give me a reason...

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


so today, i went home early just to cook dinner for my family again.
everything did NOT go well. 1st i had to cut the veggies. but as i was cutting them, somehow the knife manages to happily wiggle it's way out of my fingers for some magical reason and almost stabbed my stomach. caught it just intime as the tip was just touching my abdomen.

i thought ok.should be more careful.

and then, just as i was taking down a plate from the top rack, it slipped, and broke. my palm has a baby caterpillar, my thigh has a gash about 3cm long, perhaps when it becomes a scar-coz the gash split open from a neat line to a thicker line-it'll stop being a caterpillar and turn into a butterfly! :) the pain was abit satisfying after the initial pain subsided. i don't know why, and no, im no emo-chick who loves getting hurt.

on a happier note,

THANKS to my tall sis for having me over today, the gyming and posing around the fountain and steaming! i like :) not to forget, wasting all our efforts when we gobbled down almost a whole regular pizza each save for a slice each. was happy , ok euphoric? happier than happy.
i love spending quality time with you! demsey and body clinic-ing next week yah? have fun photocopying things tmr.


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