give me a reason...

Sunday, September 30, 2007


OK! this is gonna be a jump here and there post, because im feeling rather fickle. Maybe i've got that ADHD like the jolene in that show awhile ago, parental guidance. no link.

anyway, let me introduce you to one of the little kids that drive me half mad every saturday. she may be cute and adorable and all innocent looking with her hiding behind her minnie mouse. But believe me, she packs a punch when she darts around the room and refuses to play the short dumb line of notes that i just taught her although she obviously knows how to. she flips her book around more efficiently than a bee and demands that i teach her stuff that she won't be able to do, then decides i was right and flips to an even more difficult page. just watching her dart about makes me feel all old, and probably 40. talk about premature aging.

which explains why i need food to stop myself from feeling woozy. 've been feeling abit hypoglycaemic/faint these 2 days. mum claims it's from lack of eating. what does she think i am, bulimic? i've been eating like a pig la. so anyway, she thinks i have an ED and decides to stuff me with food over the weekend.

we went to minotti @ raffles this afternoon, have always loved it there! one of the waiters was kinda cute. he's ITALIEN :) i think. HA

my sister's fat fingers and my scallop lovely pasta

Dad's pasta was to-die-for, though you probably can't see the "KUEH"looking raviolis cause they're in that heavenly cheese sauce :)

my soffiato! choc choc, even on a bad day, this will make my day right again (i lost my newly bought butterfly side of the earring :( oh well, i'll wear the one side on it's own TRENDY ok?)

Don't know what's this called.was dad's dessert. looks like dog food, but tastes superb

was super amused by this dress.. thought i looked like a pastry chef! :P

and as usual when i try stuff, im too lazy to remove my jeans.

SO, my PLAN for this 2nd week of my holidays.

2words. ROT and exercise like mad.

this position is gonna be repeated countless times this week. but I LIKE

LASTLY, check out this article!! now you wanna be bulimic don'tcha.

OKOK, lastly lastly.

just SUDDENLY felt like posting this picture. OLD OLD

just wanted simmy to know that im praying for you all the time girlfriend! and i'm missing you LOADS. please do superbly for your A's thn i'll keep on meeting you and hang out and spend time that's been lost from these 2 years! i'm missing the times where i see you everyday, and do so much with you. and those phonecalls, not forgetting boy"trouble" talks, and laughing at our mums together! <3

Thursday, September 27, 2007


no more splurging
on food
on all my lovely earrings
on clothes
everymonth i swear not to spend
but i always do
why do i not have the determination to listen to the sensible side of me
i think shopping makes my endorphin level escalate
gives me this sense of elation that cannot be explained
jolene is screwed now till she gets her pay
don't ask her out to shop anymore
visits to gym VERY welcome
need to work of the consequences of food splurging
BLAH. perhaps rotting time at home now has come too
more time to read
the books i've neglected for so long
his word
set my goals

till my pay comes :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


my 1st official at home day this holidays! many more to come i hope :) my temp job agent called me today again, to ask if i could work, but im so lazy i don't feel like working. my mum says im wasting time sitting at home and rotting. but i WANT TO sit at home and rot, and be able to go out and stuff! sometimes, i think my mum only thinks about money. but i guess she's trying to teach me the importance of earning your own cash, and how "hard" it is to bring home cash. oh well! that's why i teach piano on saturdays! if i had a choice, i wouldnt wanna endure that four yearold, and that idiot that doesnt practice. it's like torture sitting there and having to listen to that awful playing. i bet my piano teacher use to feel the same way towards me too!
ok, im ranting, but i have to rant. sometimes, ok , alot of sometimes.
so anyway, today was mid autumn festival, and my tall sis, and my biological sis, and me, all went back to revisit our childhood days together! :)

Oreo stacko!

MY CHEESECAKE! don't laugh at the patches. he's just balding alittle :)

she adds her own choc chips!

we're eating snake eggs! (tang yuans actually)

paddlepop candlewax


we figured the proper way to carry lanterns while you walked was to spin it upside down, round and round.

you're supposed to admire the moon aren't you!


meet the new gerrard and team :)

our mini campfire, proudly lit by estella,felicia,&jolene, with the help of many dead leaves.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


im so happy i could keep jumping till i create a crater in the earth. :) :)
so anyway, im free for the next 3 weeks on every single freaking day! and i don't have to rise up before the sun rises! YEAH! i'm also gona start on my new "fitness" plan. i SWEAR im gonna go run everyday. I'll try?
and i'm gonna bake.
and i'm gonna practise my piano.
and i'm gonna.... i'm gonna..

whatever. bottom line of this post is .. im elated :)

my sis was trying to imitate the way my father stood :) they are like the clowns of my family... we were stuck outside my aunt's house 'cause she was at NTUC

ATTACHMENT PICS-the miserable attempt at camwhoring

i look constipated.omg

stef, you look like how you always look. my attempt to kill people with my eyes failed.

introducing stef's chicken pie! she ate like the same thing for like 5days straight or smth! and we made the whole tearoom smell or that chaotar thing. :P

BPP with LALA! OEI sis! you're taking forever to send me the pics i've resorted to "koping" from your blog. for more pics refer to La's blog. :)

we swear he did this himself! i can't believe im spose to "look up" to him! HAHHAAH

so we copied him. to much better effect :)

pretty pretty. wanna wear a cheongsam and be a china girl.RIGHT..


we're not weird.not THAT weird.

LOVE this 2 monsters. both are pokemons of some the only human :) :)

TALL SIS :) why ar, i always love the photos i take with you. i think you're prettiness radiates throughout the whole photo.
time to sleep! i love my pig holiday life.
something i came across that really amuses me..
i am NOT romantic. atleast i don't think so. HAHHAHAHAHA
J: Easy to have fun with
O: EXTREMELY easy to fall in love with
L: One of the most romantic people
E: Have beautiful eyes
N: Good bf/gf (eh DED!LOOK! another prove your point wrong thing:P)
E: Have beautiful eyes
"Does your name fit you? "
A: Fun to be around with
B: Loves to make people laugh
C: Really fall in love with
D: Is a great dancer
E: Have beautiful eyes
F: People get wild and crazy to adoreyou
G: Dont like people to tell you whatto do
H: Easy to fall in love with
I: Love to laugh
J: Easy to have fun with
K: Really silly
L: One of the most romantic people
M: Make people laugh
N: Good bf/gf
O: EXTREMELY easy to fall in love with
P: Popular with all types of people
Q: A hypocrite
R: Can kick your ass
S: Lives life for fun
T: Great Kisser
U: Gets blamed for everything
V: Not judgmental
W: Very broad minded
X: Drop dead gorgeous
Y: Loved by everybody
Z: Lives life for fun

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

:) :) :) :)

Friday, September 14, 2007


What's a birthday without food?:) stef would cry.

i like this group photo

they're all colourful and nice!


artsy shot by genie's cam

unglam unglam. HAHA
OK! blogger is killing me cause it cant upload my photos properly, and i gave up doing a collage. stef i'll do one for you next time with all the PRETTY faces of YOU! :)
went threading today and i realised that little india really looks like india. ok. i feel as if my brain is not working, so maybe i should stop.
results suck. but gg out with la and heng made me feel all that better. whatever. ***** that lian* woman, and also most probably i didnt study as hard this sem. but thank God that i passed everything.
then i can SHOUT TO HELL with attachments
im having second thoughts about being a nurse. im gonna start looking at all my alternatives.

Monday, September 10, 2007


In between
What I find is pleasing and I'm feeling fine
Love is so confusing there's no peace of mind
If I fear I'm losing you it's just no good
You teasing like you do

Once I had a love and it was a gas
Soon turned out had a heart of glass
Seemed like the real thing, only to find
Much to mistrust, love's gone behind

Friday, September 07, 2007


i realised that you're that poly friend of mine who has stuck with me for the longest. like from start of school, year 1 till now! :) and im still lovin' you to bits! so now that you're legal, go book your driving stuff, and please wear a skirt on your driving test date and MAKESURE you pass, THEN DRIVE ME AROUND SINGAPORE!! YEAH!!! i'll make you my ramy-samy-lambo-indian-minah bf!
and hope you enjoyed your day too.

i'll be seeing you for another 2 weeks. EVERYDAY>
why ar, why!!! haha jk.
