WOAH CHECK OUT DADDY IN HIS FRED PERRY SHIRT!! hah. upon confrontation, he said, "we used to wear ralph lauren polos all the time too. you youngsters are unoriginal. we set all the trends" WOAH again.
this was taken when my inconspicious speck of a sister was not even yet a speck in this world. inexistant's the word.

and this was baking day with simmy my love! (heh, no we are not gg to show you the failed photos. only the pretty 'uns) the fluffy eggwhites before it became otherwise :( CHOC ECLAIRS NEXT! ( pierre hermes smth smth puff thing to be precise) on a day where we're not dazelike, and possess more patience.

last random photo! BP people just have this chemistry, it just flows somehow. even when we are on diff channels (uncle hui & uncle heng speak in extremely fast bullet-train like mandarin that we have to sometimes playback in our heads slowly to comprehend. and they claim me and simmy converse in extremely fast english, which is entirely untrue.) we somehow compromise with some rojak and it just all slips into place like a jigsaw!
aight, im gone
Labels: baking, family, image heavy
OMG U LOOK SO CUTE WHEN UR SMALL! can i be friends with that lil girl instead of the bigger version! HAHAAHHAAH awww the egg white looks yummy i would have loved to eat that! :p
i is alwayz cute! hahah bigger version is more intellectual pls.
you eat everything my dear. everything in sight! :)
FAT JOLENE HAHAHAH, so cute! as if. I have a picture of you me and my brother when we were kids on my table so I see chubby jolene everyday hahahaha
kids are cute when they're fat ok? haha. comeon there's a reason why i'm still on your table and you look at the younger me everyday! :P
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