give me a reason...

Friday, August 31, 2007


It's been the most boring-est week ever, 'cause im having my attachments. the week seems to crawl by at a painfully slow pace while the rest of the world seems very detached from me.somehow. i don't have the energy to even turn on my lappie and type a new entry!
I WANT my FREEDOM AND ENERGY BACK! *continues whining*
but then being on this attachment has given insight to this whole different new side that i never thought i'd encounter before.

PICTURES!only.& a little words.

FRIDAY 310807!
meet up w my 2 dearies!omg,i miss this two girls oh so much! it was so nice just to spend time w them although it was just for the night :) :)

and i finally found the night mode on my phone!bleah. oh well, we have oldfashion-ed looking photos still.... and you 2 girls still look pretty!!!

we're bringin' sexy legs back!

my fave pic :)

so unglam,yet still so gorgeous

Don't ask THANKS

NYDC's latest cake addition, the pig sand cake! tastes exactly like human feet :P

Sky in this pic is so pretty! and so is my tall sis..

self timers don't do the justice

was happy tanning,burnt now

the view from the top


the ribbon just didnt go.

FRIDAY 250807
AT the nice tree pavilion!

omg.2 retards

add 1 more to the 2 :)
it's the same both inside and out!
attachments to end
attachments to end
attachments to end
attachments to end
attachments to end
attachments to end
attachments to end
attachments to end
attachments to end

Monday, August 20, 2007


HAPPY (technically now belated) Birthday to my TALL SIS :) :) you're legally blonde!
sorry this post came up late. just didnt get the chance to log into stupid blogger that keeps giving the tech dummy me problems. i had this collage done in advance and was planning to post it up on your birthday. BUT....

anw, im now so jealous that your papers are over. bleah....
THIS thursday!or friday! are we tanning? or shall we go sweat it out.
oh yah! and you must do the dare i ask you to do ok? if i decide to make you do it :P

OK! gota go study for my LAST PAPER now :) :) what am i even doing on my computer?
oh man, it's so tedious to study that i don't even feel like studying. it's like 3-in-1. mental, maternal and paeds. which smart aleck came up with the idea of putting all 3 components together? I&%*&%$&$#^(*&^
till when they hated exams are over!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


the sky seems to be very upset about the fact that i have to stay at home and study today.
it keeps on pouring.
so i should just sign out of blogger, continue with NS4 (im left w maternal and mental. =X)
and eat the meiji biscuit that LALA gave me :)
THANK YOU! the sugar thingy rocks ass. we were spose to eat it together on the bus ystrday
and i tried the tshirt with that top we bought. looks it shall beeee
send me the faces of retards pls.

what kind of english is "The way i are"?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


i hate those little ghosts

i know, i'm spose to be studying
and tartarsauce makes a bad studying companion :P
i like my prunes and champagne grapes green tea :):)
oh let me introduce you to my best study mate of all time
isn't it just sweet *GRINS*

Saturday, August 11, 2007


As usual, i've been super lazy. BUT NOW, school's out! (well, not exactly, but still) :) but i'm still happy. no classes = happy me (i don't mind studying by myself, really.)

so i went to the parade. this year's fun pack was like the best out of all the years i've been so far! and the part where they showed the apaches was cool. otherwise, it was fairly boring. after 18 years of living on this earth, i guess the novelty of the whole thing wears thin. so.... we started CAM WHORING :) my brilliant camera as always died. 'cause somehow, whenever i want to use it, the batteries are not charged. it even did that FREEZE and refuse to close thing that sammie's cam did the last time haha (speaking of which, side track abit, SAMMIE, where are the photos? you've still yet to send them to me you dum dum :P) so my constant source of entertainment through the parade was mainly laughing at the motivators in my sector. they made such big fools of themselves! i don't even know why they are neccessary. see the blue guy in the picture. he was the funniest! PICTURE, this guy waving the flag rapidly but without a smile. instead, a pained look was on his face, as if either the flag weighed a thousand pounds or he found it very difficult to stand. he even blew bubbles using the gun thing with a pained expression. omg. i kept on laughing. i call him the pained guy. so i was entertaining myself and everything around me was funny and engaging.EXCEPT for the parade. i totally tuned out at the mass dance part. zzzzzzzzzzzz

i went to eat mad jack's! i ADORE the fish n chips. though it still can't be compared to the greenwood one. but, i've been craving for fish n chips since since, like forever.
then believe or not. i've actually started to study psychology! studied with mr im-taller-thn-you-by-24.5cm. yes i checked. i couldnt believe my eyes either. im gonna GROWGROWGROW.ihope. :P was fun talking nonsense,n catching up. if i get hooked onto GTA only one person will be responsible for me. no prizes for the correct ans! but i still can't control my man in the game properly.i died like twice within 20 mins. =X


and i finally know where this dumb street everyone's getting hyped up about is now! *smug grin* all thanks to my AUNT(old. haha old.) she refused to send me her CUTE picture with that spoon in her mouth. stupid girl. trust me you really look CUTE la :) anw,im so gonna go back to get more tiramisu! i seriously wish i was taller and bigger.that way the options in shopping will grow by alot. if only. BUT i should be thankful for everything i have and am now.. yes yes.

Off to watch ANTM!im hooked.

i feel like spreeing on wetseal.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


happy birthday to my mummy! ohwell, belated one anw. but i wished her on the day itself. she ate my present to her for breakfast :) sinful. i burst her bubble by reminding her about the calories. HAHA but bottomline. I LOVEEEE my MUMMY :)

another thing that happened, our family car's changed now. the old one's sold. and now this new one is like so tiny. and i can't lie down to sleep in it anymore :( but there's no denying it looks good on the outside. and my dad's all "as we grow older, the car should be smaller. sooner or later it'll be 2 seater, which means you and felicia will not be taking the car anymore" im screaming for a SCOOTER or a small car then! ( dream on, dad says.)

ZEee new tiny station wagon. looks exactly like that. dont like dont like.

and a few days back there was sushi buffet with the friends! :) sch was self declared off (really no class, imma good girl) and since i look so awful nowadays i don't even want to see myself too much. there will only be a FEW posted photos here :) the rooms above at cathay are also not bad, IF they had more cushions and if the airconditioning wasnt that freezing and they soundproofed the room more.

anyone can recommend any good eyecreams? should take away dark eye circles and fine lines. im so gona take my shades out more often. don't care if i look like a poseur, im saving the world from looking at my horrible eyes.

they look like a couple. freakish! no both are as straight as a rulers!

see the RED? :)

i'm actually HULK. that's why now i have awful eyes. ok no link.

im tired.BYE

pls take me to starbucks and get me a mango/passionfruit iceblend
ishould stop thinking about that freaking myself out.
i think boredom or rather stress is taking it's toll on me
i have no motivation to blog.
my english for this entry sucks.and i can't be bothered to go back and proof read it again.

Sunday, August 05, 2007


poly creates the illusion of a holiday before exams.
but im not complaining.
im smartly missing some lectures. but i better get my butt down to starting
and no more essays for me to write!
what joy.
*skips around my room*
i've still yet to get overdue and upcoming presents for so many. im such a bad friend/daughter...