give me a reason...

Thursday, August 09, 2007


happy birthday to my mummy! ohwell, belated one anw. but i wished her on the day itself. she ate my present to her for breakfast :) sinful. i burst her bubble by reminding her about the calories. HAHA but bottomline. I LOVEEEE my MUMMY :)

another thing that happened, our family car's changed now. the old one's sold. and now this new one is like so tiny. and i can't lie down to sleep in it anymore :( but there's no denying it looks good on the outside. and my dad's all "as we grow older, the car should be smaller. sooner or later it'll be 2 seater, which means you and felicia will not be taking the car anymore" im screaming for a SCOOTER or a small car then! ( dream on, dad says.)

ZEee new tiny station wagon. looks exactly like that. dont like dont like.

and a few days back there was sushi buffet with the friends! :) sch was self declared off (really no class, imma good girl) and since i look so awful nowadays i don't even want to see myself too much. there will only be a FEW posted photos here :) the rooms above at cathay are also not bad, IF they had more cushions and if the airconditioning wasnt that freezing and they soundproofed the room more.

anyone can recommend any good eyecreams? should take away dark eye circles and fine lines. im so gona take my shades out more often. don't care if i look like a poseur, im saving the world from looking at my horrible eyes.

they look like a couple. freakish! no both are as straight as a rulers!

see the RED? :)

i'm actually HULK. that's why now i have awful eyes. ok no link.

im tired.BYE

pls take me to starbucks and get me a mango/passionfruit iceblend
ishould stop thinking about that freaking myself out.
i think boredom or rather stress is taking it's toll on me
i have no motivation to blog.
my english for this entry sucks.and i can't be bothered to go back and proof read it again.


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