give me a reason...

Friday, June 29, 2007


the best antidote for emotions that are not sky high is definately talking to Him.
"dear God, would you sit beside me and be that shoulder i can lean on?"
He always comes. :)

i feel better already.

realised i really need to work on my people to people communications and expressing myself. i never really say what i feel, the words just don't come out right. i almost never achieve the right way of making the people i love around me, feel loved. :(
i'll work on it though, real hard.
don't want you to get the wrong idea again. i really do appreciate everything you've done.
appreciating doesnt mean you have to like what the person's done right?
you can appreciate the gesture but not like it. is that possible? coz i think it is, but most people beg to differ.

Run run run run run, run all my thoughts away.

Thursday, June 28, 2007


one line.
waste of my time

common tests results from NS3 are out, i refuse to look at it. i probably got C. i think..
damn tht paper.shit.

Monday, June 25, 2007


Choose your Death!
Your Result: Death in the shower

You are going to slip and break your neck. Still breathing for 30 mins with no one to help you.--You must not twist and turn in the shower. If this death dosent happen by the end of this month, this death warning was wrong

Death in a crowd
Car Accident
Your a surivior
In your sleep
Killed by suprise
Choose your Death!
See All Our Quizzes



officiallynotthtweird :)

Quizzes make me laugh.

You Are 44% Strange!

You are a bit strange, though still more normal than strange. You definitely have some quirks, don't get me wrong. But you aren't exactly freaking out old ladies on the street. It's okay though, you've got a healthy mixture of strangeness and normality.

How Strange Are You?
Quizzes for MySpace

This is the WHAT type of person do you attract one.

it says i attract models. crap quiz. :)

What type of person do you attract?
Your Result: You attract models!

Congrats, something about you makes those model-quality people flock to you. This is good for obvious reasons - they look great, just having them nearby attracts other models, and it opens doors for you - like exclusive clubs and whatnot. If you are seeking pure physical beauty, you are all set. If you are seeking someone that is not cynical and slightly bitter about humans in general, someone focused on the human condition and intellect, then you are out of luck - but who cares, you attract models!

You attract Yuppies!
You attract artsy people!
You attract geeks!
You attract unstable people!
You attract rednecks!
What type of person do you attract?
Quizzes for MySpace

obviously not true at all.. IF ONLY., hahah jkjk..i don't want lookers only.

what are musically inclined with abit of sporty spunk in them called? artsy jocks? yuppies?HUH... i want the musically inclined,sportyspunk kind. :)

You are 52% perfect as a girlfriend!

Congrats, you're doing some things right. There's plenty room for improvement, but keep it up, you're doing good.

Are you the perfect girlfriend?
Take More Quizzes

eh DEDmyles, see im not tht bad after all OK!? stop keep on saying that i would suck. HAHA. IM ABOVE PASSING GRADE LEH!

OK enough of wasting time! :) i wanna go watch TV.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


holidays are over,
attachments are here.
the start of my hospital- home, home-hospital life.
constantly contemplate if i told you my sentiments,
if your sentiments were the same, or not,
what difference there would be.
but i wouldnt want risking this thing we already have.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

* thoughtsnsorts

i finally started on my assignment! and it's almost completed! JOY to the WORLD :)

im feeling all happy again. and i feel as if i have a sudden charge of energy to fuel my rotting days. :) :) :) :) ( i can just go on typing smiley faces)

met jus for dinner and he never fails to make me laugh and feel totally at ease at being just me. i insisted it was a sea slug and he just didnt want to admit it. so what happened? he asked the waiter. and since i lost, he took it down and insisted we eat that thing. it was disgusting. never touching that slug again. i don't care it will always be that sea slug to me. next time we are so gona eat frog's saliva( hashima). Then it struck me that all those people running on the treadmill at california fitness looked like hamsters. Thank God for one-way windows at our new school gym. when the opportunity comes, i'll grab a hershey bar, and purposefully stand at the window, gawking at them as if they were zoo animals while chewing on my chocolate. just another thing to do before i die :) and of the knee highs and heels, sinking heels, and all the crap.

fuels for my remaining holidays.

last thing! the fascination of the day has to be that new thing he bought. this flip flop wallet thing that can be opened from both sides. flip it one way. the money is still in the cross part.. flip it the other way, the money ends up at the straight elastics. MAGIC :) i will keep flipping it . i swear.

im gonna AS soon! and im lovin' it.
The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a
porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk
away feeling like it was the best conversation you've
ever had
~courtesy of lala's blog

Monday, June 18, 2007


I'm still too lazy to blog a proper entry.
so here goes nth.
went to sentosa, didnt change a shade. the tanning oil doesnt work! they should have those money back gurantee things. went for the luge, cause we had small kids with us. and the fish spa. it's one stress relieving place i must say. the endless tickling of the fish. let's just hope that people with hongkong feet don't go there. AHAHA the fish will choke, vomit, and faint, and die.
and i need to stop procrastinating and get down to the things i need to do. BADLY.
I WANT MY DAY TO MYSELF! MY ROTTING MY ASS OFF, and I WON'T TAKE PHONECALLS, just A.S. myself day. i sense it coming, soon. say maybe, i should go climb bukit timah hill,sit atop it and THINK.
ok i need sleep.

As I sink one more drink

I am running out of ink

I’m feeling void paranoid about every little thing

And I wonder if I tried to give up and say goodbye

If I’ll have the strength to leave

Cause I don’t have much time anymore

Stop pushing all your tragedies away

Each moment has got a lesson for the day

Take something with you

We can’t drag our heels in yesterdays

Oh these Saturdays

Sunday, June 17, 2007


have an entry coming up. but im too lazy to do it now!soonsoon
jolene procrastinates. yet again

Sunday, June 10, 2007

*if you've only got a hundred years to live

In the papers today, there was an article about a man, who was in coma for 19 years and woke up recently, to a totally changed world. All these while, his wife has been faithfully taking care of him. Turning him every hour, so he won't be a victim to pressure ulcers, feeding him with a spoon, taking care of his basic needs in order for him to draw his next breath. Thank God, his wife's patience, love and care all paid off. This man is now awake, and learning about OUR world everyday. He might even be able to walk again soon.

Miracles DO happen don't they, and it never fails to amaze me what our Lord can do for us. :)

I really admire his wife, for being so dutiful and loving towards him. Never giving up, and always looking on the bright side. Thinking that he would wake up and see her face again one fine day. When people suggested euthanasia, she got very angry. I guess she had the mentality that as long as he draws breath from air, he would still have hope of living. I think that old man also sensed his wife's love and continued to live not only for himself but also for her. If only there were more examples of unwavering love in today's world.

I've been trying to think from this determined oldman's perspective. What does he see our world as. Does he find it scary and intimidating? Does he find it too stressful, and that people don't have the time to stop and stare at random things anymore and just to appreciate the simple mere beauty of how everything works and moves. Does he find it intriguing? Sanitized? Sinful? Vibrant? really, if i were to go to sleep now and wake up 20 years from now, i'd probably be traumatised. 20 years from now i'd be 38? and when i wake up, i'd probably find myself to have drastically decreased metabolism rates, wrinkles and certain spots... and how would the world be.

the little things that inspire you.


yes darlin's i photoshopped myself in. We have a nice group photo infront of the fountain now, don't we :)

Friday, June 08, 2007


i'm only afraid that i won't be with you.

Friday, June 01, 2007


Thanks dearies! for celebrating my birthday! It was totally nice and cosy. just exactly what i needed :) i don't get the big HOO HAH about turning 18, and why people must have big extravagant parties. i'll leave that to 21. i still feel the same. besides the fact that im now legal to drive,drink and club, i don't see the fun or significance. I'd rather be driven around. I'm not a big fan of all alcohol (cept wines, white ones especially). and when my mum said let me bring you clubbing, i said, let's go home. HAHA, im so intune with my generation. HAHAHA. whatever, im happy being me and doing the things i like to do, like slacking around and rotting, and taking things at a pace im comfortable with :)

thanks stef for organising the mini pigging out! and making us come @ 8.30 which none of us did :P
and chester, for scaring the cake aunty with your 2 bodybuilding friends and you, making that 3, so that i could have a cake to blow out the candle and so that all of us could taste CHOCOLATE first thing in the morning :) and elliott and genie for just being there!
without the four of you people, i think i'll just die in school. there would be no laughter, no crap, no people to kill time with, no nonsensical busrides... THANKS for being YOU guys :)

i photoshopped my sis in! haha she was taking the picture la.

Omega 3 is good for future breastfeeding mothers ok?

Dad is just funny, by just doing absolutely nothing.

i swear these things look way better in real life.

Poot poot head.
also a big THANK YOU to everyone who wished me,
Matt Ta (who wished me oneday in advance, the idiot :)
Heng heng the pig father
LaLa the tall
Jon the CKP pilot
my aunty Phyllis
simmy ( call you soon babe)
Sarah the Rah
Jus (mrsexy?nah :P)
Matt Liu
Ded my les
Umm, my class people.
im too lazy to type out already. Sorry if i missed anyone out, BUT
really, U're superbly appreciated :)
Much love.
ok,i want to sleep.