give me a reason...

Friday, June 29, 2007


the best antidote for emotions that are not sky high is definately talking to Him.
"dear God, would you sit beside me and be that shoulder i can lean on?"
He always comes. :)

i feel better already.

realised i really need to work on my people to people communications and expressing myself. i never really say what i feel, the words just don't come out right. i almost never achieve the right way of making the people i love around me, feel loved. :(
i'll work on it though, real hard.
don't want you to get the wrong idea again. i really do appreciate everything you've done.
appreciating doesnt mean you have to like what the person's done right?
you can appreciate the gesture but not like it. is that possible? coz i think it is, but most people beg to differ.

Run run run run run, run all my thoughts away.


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