give me a reason...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

*if you've only got a hundred years to live

In the papers today, there was an article about a man, who was in coma for 19 years and woke up recently, to a totally changed world. All these while, his wife has been faithfully taking care of him. Turning him every hour, so he won't be a victim to pressure ulcers, feeding him with a spoon, taking care of his basic needs in order for him to draw his next breath. Thank God, his wife's patience, love and care all paid off. This man is now awake, and learning about OUR world everyday. He might even be able to walk again soon.

Miracles DO happen don't they, and it never fails to amaze me what our Lord can do for us. :)

I really admire his wife, for being so dutiful and loving towards him. Never giving up, and always looking on the bright side. Thinking that he would wake up and see her face again one fine day. When people suggested euthanasia, she got very angry. I guess she had the mentality that as long as he draws breath from air, he would still have hope of living. I think that old man also sensed his wife's love and continued to live not only for himself but also for her. If only there were more examples of unwavering love in today's world.

I've been trying to think from this determined oldman's perspective. What does he see our world as. Does he find it scary and intimidating? Does he find it too stressful, and that people don't have the time to stop and stare at random things anymore and just to appreciate the simple mere beauty of how everything works and moves. Does he find it intriguing? Sanitized? Sinful? Vibrant? really, if i were to go to sleep now and wake up 20 years from now, i'd probably be traumatised. 20 years from now i'd be 38? and when i wake up, i'd probably find myself to have drastically decreased metabolism rates, wrinkles and certain spots... and how would the world be.

the little things that inspire you.


yes darlin's i photoshopped myself in. We have a nice group photo infront of the fountain now, don't we :)


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