give me a reason...

Friday, June 01, 2007


Thanks dearies! for celebrating my birthday! It was totally nice and cosy. just exactly what i needed :) i don't get the big HOO HAH about turning 18, and why people must have big extravagant parties. i'll leave that to 21. i still feel the same. besides the fact that im now legal to drive,drink and club, i don't see the fun or significance. I'd rather be driven around. I'm not a big fan of all alcohol (cept wines, white ones especially). and when my mum said let me bring you clubbing, i said, let's go home. HAHA, im so intune with my generation. HAHAHA. whatever, im happy being me and doing the things i like to do, like slacking around and rotting, and taking things at a pace im comfortable with :)

thanks stef for organising the mini pigging out! and making us come @ 8.30 which none of us did :P
and chester, for scaring the cake aunty with your 2 bodybuilding friends and you, making that 3, so that i could have a cake to blow out the candle and so that all of us could taste CHOCOLATE first thing in the morning :) and elliott and genie for just being there!
without the four of you people, i think i'll just die in school. there would be no laughter, no crap, no people to kill time with, no nonsensical busrides... THANKS for being YOU guys :)

i photoshopped my sis in! haha she was taking the picture la.

Omega 3 is good for future breastfeeding mothers ok?

Dad is just funny, by just doing absolutely nothing.

i swear these things look way better in real life.

Poot poot head.
also a big THANK YOU to everyone who wished me,
Matt Ta (who wished me oneday in advance, the idiot :)
Heng heng the pig father
LaLa the tall
Jon the CKP pilot
my aunty Phyllis
simmy ( call you soon babe)
Sarah the Rah
Jus (mrsexy?nah :P)
Matt Liu
Ded my les
Umm, my class people.
im too lazy to type out already. Sorry if i missed anyone out, BUT
really, U're superbly appreciated :)
Much love.
ok,i want to sleep.


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