give me a reason...

Thursday, May 22, 2008


i've realised that i only seem to be able to study in the morning. everytime i tell myself i'll study tonight, i'll just end up watching the OC, or doing some stupid thing that totally wastes my time, or playing the piano. So, i can only really concentrate in the morning after i had my breakfast and perhaps one episode of OC (yes, im addicted to seth cohen and summer :P)

after drawing the conclusion that i can only really study in the morning, another problem's encountered. it's almost impossible to drag yourself out of bed when you know there's still that so many hours before school. Thus, you'll just sleep those hours away, and studying won't be done. i've gota devise something productive considering the upcoming common tests!

PICTURES from Bing's bday! which is squarely 9 days before mine! :) i love birthdays ('cept for the part that you have to use money to get presents-im broke.again.- but i like getting gifts for people, so i guess im destined to be broke, but maybe it's 'coz of all the online shopping, but i've stopped. im on a online shopping diet!!! just like how stef's on a fried food one, and ellie's on a alcohol one-which she's breaking today)

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