give me a reason...

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


OK! i shall combat my lazy bug and blog. because my blog seems extremely boring now without any pictures, or worse, without ANY pictures of FOOD. food just seems to light everything up. REALLY. ( i think i need the anti-craving gene pill :P)

this week's really GOOD! and filled with so many happy things, looking at the photos just make me smile. there's still so this few persons i wanna meet/supposed to meet with, but still havent got around to it. AH WELL, what's most important is i spend quality time with my friends that really mean the most to me :)
i really want the holidays to go on forever :(


FRINGE Cafe with my tall sis

i got this chocolate bath wash thing for my tall sis and me while waiting for
her. Thank God she came in time, or i might have spent more money in NTUC, that
place is evil i tell you, all the FOOD and SUPERB things!

SHE's so greedy, it makes me happy, coz im quite the same

our LOVELY drink

i like this PHOTO! its so off centre and pretty. maybe it's just the cream
layers that lures me.

can now proudly declare that we can makes exact replicas of these. and
delicious ones at that :)

she claims my house is good for scandalous photos

can everyone SCREAM at lalaintheloo to stop abusing my frog? she's been at it
for like since secondary school, and now my frog cries everytime after she comes
to my house :P


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