give me a reason...

Monday, May 26, 2008


i need to complain about how much i hate MOZZIES!
omg now i have like 5 bumps on my left leg!why do they all have to suck blood from the same leg? i have no bites at all on the right. they are superbly extremely irritably itchy and im reduced to the point where im holding icecubes to the swells so that 1.the swelling'll go down, 2. it's numb so i won't feel the itch.
gota resist the temptation to scratch coz tht'll only leave scars on my legs which i don't need, i have many already. -scars i mean. all mosquitoes should just DIE. make themselves extinct! POOF! the food chain/line won't suffer because they don't exist right? pests...


Thursday, May 22, 2008


i've realised that i only seem to be able to study in the morning. everytime i tell myself i'll study tonight, i'll just end up watching the OC, or doing some stupid thing that totally wastes my time, or playing the piano. So, i can only really concentrate in the morning after i had my breakfast and perhaps one episode of OC (yes, im addicted to seth cohen and summer :P)

after drawing the conclusion that i can only really study in the morning, another problem's encountered. it's almost impossible to drag yourself out of bed when you know there's still that so many hours before school. Thus, you'll just sleep those hours away, and studying won't be done. i've gota devise something productive considering the upcoming common tests!

PICTURES from Bing's bday! which is squarely 9 days before mine! :) i love birthdays ('cept for the part that you have to use money to get presents-im broke.again.- but i like getting gifts for people, so i guess im destined to be broke, but maybe it's 'coz of all the online shopping, but i've stopped. im on a online shopping diet!!! just like how stef's on a fried food one, and ellie's on a alcohol one-which she's breaking today)

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Sunday, May 11, 2008


SO, today is mother's day!
i really appreciate and adore my MUMMY
, i really do, but i just don't like this day. shouldnt you take everyday to be thankful and to show love to your mother? not just today? so today, me and my sister made my mum angry by going home ourselves because we didnt want to eat lunch at the place my dad and mum were going. hahah making my mother angry is also because i love her ok? :P my sis and I also finally gave my mum the present we got her, we wanted to trick her into thinking we didnt get anything for her and that we didnt intend to ( haha, yes we are bad cheeky daughters). But she seemed really angry/and abit sad, so my sis gave it to her, and she smiled. i know we're bad.

IT's MAY! my fave month of the year, ok, 2nd fave, after december. but this only spells that common tests are nearer, and i really felt as if i have alot of catching up to do, when i attempted complete this NSL assignment, and i realised that i didnt know alot of the answers. which explains why im now revising my NS5 ( or before i decided to blog because jamie distracted me with the AE clearance things, and now is tempting me to spree with her, and waste money, when i've been wasting alot of money on FOOD and shoes and presents and random things )

and since we're on the topic of wasting money, let me show you the bikini i've fallen in love with!

i absolutely really really love the yellow hearts! and the green and blue ones too! :) but i like the yellow ones the most, ok, i like the whole bikini! so pretty!!!!! and i kinda need(ok want) a new swim suit. cause im getting bored of my stripey one. i still like it, but i could do with change.

RIGHT, this is the end of my aimless post. and im going back to revising! i should...
*mutters something about school being irritating and how i wasnt born with a harddisc like brains*

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Friday, May 02, 2008

*OC rocks!!!

I'm BACK to revive my blog with PICTURES!!!! :)

so the eve of Labour day was sleepover at stef's house.
well, it was sposed to be a candlelight dinner and stuff, but all of us were so late we just started slacking around. :)

So first up was guitar hero-ing. can i say i totally suck at this game?the 1st time i tried, i only got 50% through the song, the 2nd time, it was 97%!!! the songs are way too LOOONNNGGG. to the Wii people out there, pls make the songs shorter?? that way i'll be closer to 100%. haha

STEF and ELLIE totally rocked guitar hero

and this is how a piano person plays guitar hero. seriously, it's easier...


it was a night of monsters you see

monster no.3...

we were trying to scare stef's neighbour by standing at a window each. and spying at him too. then we saw his wife/gf come out to him, and we hid. GAWD like primary school girls. but it was funny i guess.

Genie! and her funny shirt :)

i can now play the C, D, and G chord(Juno song)! and the romance song thing! :)

genie and ellie on their nests!at 4am

stef's very hot bed :P

and that was the end. of pictures at least. everyone went home and crashed in the morning.

ok, now random pictures.

YELLOW PICTURE :) with simmysamsim. hey girl we need to hangout again and now
that you dont go to kickboxing, we see less of each other and then, you're
working.. :( hangout hangout, don't foresake your girlfriend here


and this was from very long ago when me and lala had long hair... so
LONGGG,time and hair :)

missing you tall sis! can't wait for the food sampling with you! and we need
to find out about our hiphop classes :)