I'm BACK to revive my blog with PICTURES!!!! :)
so the eve of Labour day was sleepover at stef's house.
well, it was sposed to be a candlelight dinner and stuff, but all of us were so late we just started slacking around. :)
So first up was guitar hero-ing. can i say i totally suck at this game?the 1st time i tried, i only got 50% through the song, the 2nd time, it was 97%!!! the songs are way too LOOONNNGGG. to the Wii people out there, pls make the songs shorter?? that way i'll be closer to 100%. haha
STEF and ELLIE totally rocked guitar hero
and this is how a piano person plays guitar hero. seriously, it's easier...
it was a night of monsters you see

monster no.3...
we were trying to scare stef's neighbour by standing at a window each. and spying at him too. then we saw his wife/gf come out to him, and we hid. GAWD like primary school girls. but it was funny i guess.
Genie! and her funny shirt :)

i can now play the C, D, and G chord(Juno song)! and the romance song thing! :)
genie and ellie on their nests!at 4am
stef's very hot bed :P
and that was the end. of pictures at least. everyone went home and crashed in the morning.
ok, now random pictures.

YELLOW PICTURE :) with simmysamsim. hey girl we need to hangout again and now
that you dont go to kickboxing, we see less of each other and then, you're
working.. :( hangout hangout, don't foresake your girlfriend here
and this was from very long ago when me and lala had long hair... so
LONGGG,time and hair :)
missing you tall sis! can't wait for the food sampling with you! and we need
to find out about our hiphop classes :)