made this ages ago, but stupid blogger didnt allow me to post photosfinally it's acting properly :)MAC BREAKFAST ANYONE?i feel like pancakes with LOTSA maple syrup!the JC people are finally done with their A's.. DAMNnow the whole singapore will flood with this wild birds that are suddenly let out of prison.JOKING! im happy for my A lvl friends. now people like yellow girl(you know who you are),and aunty shen can meet up with me more often!
anyway, i gota force myself to STUDY for my common tests. i don't want to end up all last minute and scoring mediocre results again. maybe i should lock my lappie up by this wednesday. then it'll be BYEBYE blogger, and timesucking facebook,and all distractions online for awhile.*******************************************i've been neglecting him for awhile now, he's calling me back,by making me feel guilty.i should SHOULD be yearning for his word. BAH. im such a bad girl.
in open fields of wild flowers
she breathes the air and flies away
she thanks her Jesus for the daises and the roses
in no simple language
someday she'll understand the meaning of it all
He's more than the laughter or the stars in the heavens
as close a heartbeat or a song on her lips
someday she'll trust Him and learn how to see Him
someday He'll call her and she will come running
and fall in His arms and the tears will fall down and she'll pray
i want to fall in love with You
sitting silent wearing sunday best
the sermon echoes through the walls
a great salvation through it calls to the people
who stare into nowhere, and can't feel the chains on their souls
He's more than the laughter or the stars in the heavens
as close a heartbeat or a song on our lips
someday we'll trust Him and learn how to see Him
someday He'll call us and we will come running
and fall in his arms and the tears will fall down and we'll pray
i want to fall in love with You
it seems too easy to call You "Savior"
not close enough to call You "God"so as i sit and think of words i can mention
to show my devotion
i want to fall in love with You
my heart beats for You
dug up this song again and got reminded of how nice it was and still is.i'm doing the loop thing on my nano again.the lyrics are just so nice!it reminds me of someone who sings this song oh-so-well :)OH lastly, HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY MATT! since you wished me like one day early this year. im wishing you a few hours earlier on my blog.(if you happen to see it) im so tempted to post your silly looking picture again. OK i think i should. IM gonna.
ANW, im so glad for you and her! you 2 are so adorable together. HAHAAi will be the CANDLE whenever there's you and lala.