give me a reason...

Sunday, July 29, 2007


i thought my mouth hurting days were super over the day i removed my braces.
but NO! my mouth seems to be like balloon's rubber,or cling wrap,just a little cut,add in probably some good mouth bacteria,and the cut blossoms into a lovely ULCER.
i hate this little things that cause you so much pain,and make ur lips feel all swollen,not in a sexy runway model pouting way, but just a painfulway. GRRRR.
and all these pain just cause i chewed gum.
talking about gum, next time someone offers me one, i'll just have one and not multiple.
gum makes ur jaw tired for 2 days after straight, and makes you bite yourself, not so clever you'd say. i can't believe i bit myself 3 times either, and now, im the proud host of 3 irritably hurtful ulcers on my bottom lip.
we should be able to just peel them off and throw them away.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


pictures only.
for i've been squeezed dry.
although smiles and laughter still reside.
im tired.
*weak grin*

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

*bore me

YEAH! 18 years old now! she said, in response to me card. i won't go clubbing alot. i will go for alot of meetings. AHAHHAA. the only TOO INVOLVED friend i have :) but love her all the same. my tall friendly giant friend who always makes me feel short, without trying to. :)

on the other hand.
im losing all motivation to go to school. the only reason why i still go is because i know i have to go. and because of attendence, and my dear friends :)
why are all the lecturers these days so boring? tell me why why?
perhaps when i finish all my essays and when all the presentations are settled and when exams and attachment are all over, i'll start liking school again. But thn again, school is made up of exams, attachments, essays and presentation, and BORING lectures. omg.

i need to stop procrastinating
i need to stop being a pig.

what should i eat tmr? dimsum buffet?or sushi buffet? or should i go to both.

im not gg to sch tmr. i think.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Why does blood turn brown when it dries?
Why do the tears well up in your eyes?
Why didn't I learn to ride my bike
When it was warm and sunny outside?
Why can't little kids tie their shoes?
Why can't the white people play the blues?
Why can't I fall in love with you?
It must be because of the seasons.
When the leaves start falling from the trees,
When the birds start flirting with the bees,
When the wind starts blowing from the East to the West;
Maybe you'll be the one that I like best.
Clouds start forming I can't complain,
'Cause I think we might be in need of some rain.
When it starts pouring
Don't hide away without me.
I bought an umbrella big enough for two,
But it feels pretty empty under here without you.
Dry as a bone but I'm still alone
I'm so grey..
When you're standing in a puddle with wet feet;
And your head is sore from pounding drops of sleet.
When the cold and lonely hours put your heart to the test..
Maybe I'll be the one that you like best.
If the sky can open its eyes
And cry from up above..
Let's shed some tears of joy
And fall in love
*the ditty bops*
i didnt know they were lesbians. but they do write swell songs :)
and stef dragged me into korean land with the latest veoh download. oh no,im starting again. it's sinful, almost.


peaches feel funny on your lips.
the hairy softness that lightly brushes.
why are peaches hairy?

Saturday, July 07, 2007


and so we were looking at cars.

dad goes " the megane is really safe. the side panels have that safety feature thing. and it's made out of composite fibre glass racing material."

mum goes "HUH!? PU TAO GAN? (raisin)"

omg. i hope i didnt get too many genes from her. :)

the whole car burst out.

with laughter.


Friday, July 06, 2007

this picture makes me laugh non-stop.nice way to end the day.

just look at a retard friend

RETARD toot.


today is the 1st time in 5 years someone said i was fat.. incase you didnt see that,
yes, it's the f-a-t word. FAT
you may insist that im sad about this fact. but no!, infact, im super amused.
i can tell you that i love my food and i will keep on eating.

so i asked my sis, "am i fat?" and for the 1st time, she says, NO, you are gonna become bulimic if you say you are.crazy. and walked of incredulously. i was so stunned, coz she's always saying im fat to get me.

so if you need something to hurt me, don't use the fat method, coz it aint gona work! i'll just keep on drinking my choc sips and eating my crepes! :)

LOVE!end of attachments! ahahaha. *jumps around*
tho schools beginning. and im gonnaa have to CHIONG my studies. whatever. nomore attachments=happy jolene.

i'm not french :)

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

*nonsense,what's new


seems like a cry-out to see the cardiologist,me thinks.
but if you look at it from the other side, it'll be really funny if the person you were dating were a cardiologist. Now, that would be really funny.

randomizing again!
i shall blog about the ceiling dropping and my 1st near death experience another time. :)