give me a reason...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


HAD so much fun that day. and boy is the video really funny now.


today with this crazy bunch of hilarious people, we went to pig out at mad jack's again. the fish and chips is *OOmph* my tummy screams I LOVE! and after. i can't believe what we did.

we just sat at the busstop trying to decide where to go. we took forever. my house, westmall, jurong point, any bukit timah place, more icecream?apple strudel?

and suddenly this nice empty double decker comes along. and all of us just rushed up on impulse. LOVE doing things like just at the snap of a finger. it was such a nice peaceful sleeping ride. we sat at the front of the top (i've always loved double deckers ) and just watched the rain make pretty patterns in the puddles and grooving to my new cuban-remix tracks on my nano :)


that was until this loud primary school boy came on the bus and made so much noise it woke me up, and chester claimed the small boy smelt like shit. the bitchy chestnut.

anw, whenever im with this 4madradicaldifferent people. i always laugh till my tummy and jaw muscles hurt.

and I'm Lovin' it

Monday, May 21, 2007


i somehow superbly untoned, like SUDDENLY
and i feel guilty for slacking off for so many days now.
and worse thing is i've been pigging out! like pizza, pasta, and all the hidden carbs and stuff.

QUICK Eugenie and Chester! when are we going for the gym orientation?
then, next time during our thursday 3hr breaks we can go sweat it out together.
and chester can teach us to tone. like the right things to use. no monster muscles though please.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Yeah! it's finally recovered! im too lazy to go and edit previous posts and i cant anyway.

let me just write my nonsense here then.

i don't understand why some people just have the power to irritate me so easily. those around me should know that i don't get irritated very easily. But these certain persons always never fail to irritate me just by doing the simplest things. is it true that the closer the person is to you, the easier it is to get irritated , because you see the "not so nice" sides of that person so much more and also perhaps you expect more from them. ar whatever, a little time off will make everything fine again. time is everyone's bestfriend when it is slower.

here goes this long overdue thing. im in the mood :) here goes nothing!

Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/ habits/ little-known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/ things/ little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.

1. I don't like it when there are people blocking my path whereever, whenever, i will always have this urge to overtake them.

2. I get irritated when people hog things. even when the things are not mine. i somehow still get irritated that the person is not considerate to the owner of THAT thing he/she is hogging.

3. I like to have my nails done nicely and gain satisfaction from destroying them.

4. sometimes, i'm a cleanliness freak. i always have this period of time where i can't stand anything messy and start on this massive clearing cleaning trail.

5. hate it when others leave their things lying around (ahem* ahem* fe-cia)

6. i take an extremely long time to warm up to people.

7. i do not love little children in general. i only like smart ones that say funny stuff that make me laugh.

8. I like walking in the rain alone.

9. I adore feeling all sweaty like a pig after my 30min jog. even when im as wet as i came out from a shower.

10. I like nice guys. someone that doesnt draw me away from God, and someone that makes me feel happy ( and not as if i wasted my time) when in his company.

Who should do this?

Estella, simmy, Wanqiu jiejie, Stefpeng, Steph, genie, Jamie shen, oh forget it, anyone who wants to do this then.

Monday, May 14, 2007

i'm not gona blog till blogger fixes this posting page mess. so im gg on a "not blogging holiday"! see you world, when blogger engineers finally decide to WORK and actually FIX the dumb mess.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

omg, there's smth wrong with blogger. lousy thing.
i will upload my collage of my fab thurs with no other than my fab friends.
we ate fab burgers and "worked" off the fats at the arcade shooting baskets and umm, pushing sweets After . HAHA
come on lousy blogger, dont make me hate you.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


everyday is normal. if not for the funny things that happens in school, i might not even drag myself to school! Thank God for anie(stef), genie, ellie (she'll kill me :P), and chestnut!
OMG. chestnut is a confirmed HIMBO! i was talking about this mushroom that bursts when you eat it- there really is such a thing ok? if only you'd follow your mum to the supermarket more often- and he somehow linked it to his working out and how he feels like sometimes his muscles work till they feel like bursting! that's before laughing at my mushroom of course.

and Ellie made me love mushrooms EVEN more not that i didnt already love them. did you know they are like minus calories!? i still can't get over that fact! it's like ur body will burn more calories digesting them then the calories mushroom contain. and she got me addicted to this pen capping game on her PSP. obsessive thing.
i know all of the above sounds Bimbotic. but it totally makes sense.

anw, as i was telling stef
i think all guys our age should spend more time concentrating on their studies and like grow more! so that i'll have more eligible guys to choose from. what's wrong with people and the getting attached thing. it like happens in WAVES. like there's this period, everyone starts getting emo and together. it half amuses and and half annoys me. i don't know which one more.

ok stop talking nonsense already.

i can't wait for my junk food/ movie thing with my sis tmr.

as i sit and watch the snow
fall down
i don't miss you at all
do i deceive myself

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


people get 1day of labour day holiday, i get 2!
i must have laboured very hard this year