give me a reason...

Sunday, April 29, 2007


just two collages, photoshop is so ADDICTIVE..

other than the fact that my body decided to heat up again and my brain feels as if it absorbed new heavy information unknown to me overnight, im pretty GOOD, NOT.

RAR. i hate bacteria viruses, whatever you are, QUICK OUT!

Friday, April 27, 2007


life has never been better
although im still down with fever and an inflamed throat
and the pile of projects and presentations coming down on me
im feeling extremely happy

don't ask me why,
maybe it's the overdosing on mika's happy pill songs
or meeting old friends
or being able to wake up at 1pm today coz i was sick
or because we had that conversation and now my head feels so much more clearer :)

a few days back i suddenly had this very strong urge to get attached,
to have someone i could rely on almost 24/7
and not get bored off
and could call to just go take walks in the park or just stare at things passing by with
but i reminded myself, that i might not be good enough and i still need time to mature more.
ah well, im not out of love like eugenie tho.
i guess it's the convenience of it all that lures me

thank God for his ever plenteous blessings.

Makeover shoot

what can i say to make you feel the same way.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Saturday in the park
I think it was the fourth of july
Saturday in the park
I think it was the fourth of july
People dancing, people laughing
A man selling ice cream
Singing italian songs
(fake italian lyric)
Can you dig it (yes, I can)
And Ive been waiting such a long time
For saturday

Saturday in the park
Youd think it was the fourth of july
Saturday in the park
Youd think it was the fourth of july
People talking, really smiling
A man playing guitar
Singing for us all
Will you help him change the world
Can you dig it (yes, I can)
And Ive been waiting such a long time
For today

Slow motion riders fly the colors of the day
A bronze man still can tell stories his own way
Listen children all is not lost
All is not lost

Funny days in the park
Every days the fourth of july
Funny days in the park
Every days the fourth of july
People reaching, people touching
A real celebration
Waiting for us all
If we want it, really want it
Can you dig it (yes, I can)
And Ive been waiting such a long time
For the day

Thursday, April 19, 2007


YEah my 1st photoshop collage! :)

so pardon me if it's like ugly

my tall sis rocks!! thank you for teaching me photoshop!!!

and i have more piano students now!!

this only spells two things! terrorise students and MONEY. HAHA

Joking. teaching for the experience which i think is really important.

i want to do PILATES!!! im so so gonna sign up soon.

School life is mundane and dull. if not for the people, i think i'll really really hate going to school and i won't even be able to drag myself out of bed. :)

im too lazy to blog real thoughts in my blog. another day.

as i said school life sucks and drains your energy. give me another month of holidays pls.

a year would be better.

Monday, April 16, 2007


School started


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

my FCUK jeans arrived in the mail today :) happiness.
BUT, it's too long and alittle loose at the thighs.
Any idea on where to alter jeans?
now i really pity those small caucasian girls. where do they buy their stuff? the kids department?
Sigh, the woes of being small. small people don't get discounts too! =X
example,, the espirit outlet store at IMM, has the best deals!!! but everything is like in L or M or XL. and thn there are clearance sales. similar situation. GRRRRR.
i am rotting at home today and loving it! i don't want to go out. the rain is like a natural air conditioner :)

Monday, April 09, 2007


Had the day to myself. Well, half a day, till my sis came back from school and i had to bring her to see the doctor. Apparently she's sick with flu and phelgm (i've always been fascinated with the spelling of this word. can't they make it simpler? like flem. since ph=f and the g is silent. who says english is straight-forward) and the doctor was like, if you need an MC just call ok? so which idiot would say NO to an MC. my sister decided to self appoint to give her a day off school, so she's not going tmr :)

another thing, my daddy can't tell the difference between a peach tart and an egg tart!! HILARIOUS. he called home wanting to buy supper for us from the petrol kiosk, so i asked for a peach tart. he came home with a paper bag. so i was wondering who in the right mind would pack 2 peach tarts into a paper bag small enough to fit one only. AND i realised he took egg tarts! funny Daddy. so when i asked him, dad what did you buy? he stared at the tart for awhile and went EGG TARTS! so now you tell me.

i'm still craving for my peach tarts.

i want to just while my holidays at home doing absolutely nothing and bumming around. THE JOYS of being able to be a bum :)
also, another thought disturbed me today. my aunt reminded me a few days ago how not only my sister would follow me and use me as a role model. and that i had to be very careful of my actions, because my bad habits might be repeated many times over. not by me, but by the younger ones around me. It's already bad enough having to make sure that i don't set bad examples for my sister, but even for my cousins? WHOA. that's kind of a heavy burden. i mean, im so used to how i act, sit, eat, or even the stupid things i do.don't go all see "jolene this , jolene that". i don't think twice if say i wanted to do that snapping the straw thing with a clap that my sister taught me. i didnt realise doing it infront of my younger cousins at the lunch table, it would be copied. so im gona have to continue being the GOOD Jolene infront of the younger ones. As for that one cousin, i hope she'll be able to set her priorities straight for her age. i'll continue to pray for her, praying for her safety, and her maturity level. Hopefully her actions are not due to the fact that she feels lonely at home as she has almost no one to turn to to confide in. So, dear cousin, if you know im refering to you. remember, you can always talk to me ok? :) i'll continue to TRY to be that "role model" that all the adults think i should be, but i never really am on the inside. HA
*does that class 95 fm advert,sticks the tongue stud out action*
And jolene must stop spending cash. I'm broke!! what with my FCUK jeans. BUT it was a good deal!! people like me never let a good deal past! ARRRRR.. tmr, im gona spend like almost none. cept on food. Ok budget 20. I'M GONNA DO IT! *determined*

Oh ya, and im probably going to India again! haha this time NORTH india. for holiday. not to work. and hopefully to stay in nice bugless hotels that serve american breakfasts and international buffets with the odd curry meal. not curry meals the whole time.
Mum's convinced im gonna marry an indian, what with my 20sets-10sets=10sets of bangles thing and indian "I AM THE DESIGNER" dress. I was thinking it aint that bad. That lucky indian man must be either one of the 41 millionaires in india, OR, he owns a mercedes convertible. that silver one i saw in orchard with someone. OR he's a pilot, OR he cooks really nice curry that i won't get sick off. it'll be best if he was all of the above.

JOKING. i'm not all that shallow. haha .

i want to marry that nice Godly man who makes me happy. that God has already put in place for me (:

It's funny how i don't feel a thing at all ,
it's been.. 2weeks?
specially how i felt funny when i haven't heard from you for a day or two.
ow, i just feel clear headed and HAPPY even.
knew right from the start it would never get anywhere anyway,
so why did i waste my time?
I like it now. much better. without you,
clouding my perception of everything.
trying to change my perception of you.
anyway, we don't have much to say.
so goodriddance,thanks.
there are much better friends around me.
Thank God for shedding light
continue being unavailable please.
you'll still be acknowledged,but it'll never be the same

Happiness has been pursued.

Sunday, April 08, 2007


See I'm all about them words

Over numbers, unencumbered numbered words;

Hundreds of pages, pages, pages for words.

More words than I, had ever heard and I, feel so alive