give me a reason...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


i am determined to save money..
no more mindless spending for me from now till ..
after attachments.

save i shall
and i will not fall back on my words this time
saving more than just cash.
Make me high.
make me real.
make me cry
know the way i feel

Friday, January 19, 2007


i've FINISHED. well, most of my projects atleast. left with only pharmo and fon, as for cits, i'll take it as it comes. im pretty sure my group will conjuer something up impromptu and still come across fairly well.
after these, awhile for me to cool off, and then dive back into books to study for exams. I didn't know poly could bring out the mugger/nerd in someone. *grins*

these days, after school, i don't even feel like going out, just go straight home, soak in my strawberry bath for awhile then plop myself infront of the TV and watch movies. if i am out, i just want to get home asap.
it's so nice to not walk, not think, just soaking up sappy movie plots. storylines that make you see things from a different perspective, and make you wonder. stupid things from Amelie like, how many *** do you think are happening now, and why do people take pictures of themselves then tear them apart. various unthinkable reasons..
what would you do if you knew you had to die tommorrow, and how you would die. do you count things when you are bored? do some people really count how many strokes they brush their teeth every single day?
are you afraid of changes?

to add to the not going anywhere syndrome, i found the simple joy of shopping online. Thanks to my dear "aunty/cousin". i am even condsidering whether to start selling off my unwanted clothes and stuff.
now let me gush over someone. spotted him again in love wrecked. Jonathan Bennett! and he reminded me of how GORGEOUS he was in mean girls too.. my new love. take the back seat chad. HA. :)

i know, mindless insipidious teen gushing tendencies. But oh well, alittle bit of stress reduction doesn't kill.

*Love is measured by its


Monday, January 15, 2007


i should really do this more often..
im determined, to let it go.
just be that insignificant thing in my life.
i'll still acknowledge, but no more of importance.
im determined. :)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

* :)

I had a dream
Strange it may seems
It was my perfect day
Open my eyes
I realize
This is my perfect day

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


PEOPLE ARE STRANGE, like really strange.

so much work to do, so little time
let me just post some random pictures. Courtesy of eugenie's superb camera phone!

Violent JO! thanks to elliot's influence of the addictive GTA! where men walk in circles and shoot random people.

our finished prototype, don't care if it's slanted, atleast it has nice wrapping paper!

HAH. my loud "big" sister

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


At different points of life, people want different amount of attention.
new born to about 10yearsold- alot of attention(necessary) ,slowly reducing.
11yearsold to about 16yearsold- leave me alone, and don't you dare bother me/talk to me stage
17yearsold to maybe 25yearsold-HEAPloads of attention when wanted(commanded) and leave me alone at PMSive times
25yearsold to maybe 65yearsold-normal stage. can do with or without attention. healthy amount needed still, but not excessive.
65yearsold onwards- wants attention again, sometimes become unreasonable to acertain they still have a stand in the family.
conclusion: people are pretty much a bunch of attention yearning things huh.
disclaimer: everything said in this post might not be accurate. it's just that i've been observing things around me , and this is what i saw, simply.
when you get beyond the fear, you suddenly feel a sense of freedom. True?

Monday, January 01, 2007


attempted to go play badminton in the morning, failed to wake up.
fruits for breakfast. love that :) tomatoes, grapes, apples, kiwis
dimsum for lunch. wore my ali baba pants.
went to jamie's house after, and went shopping! :)
finally got mum's christmas present. i know im slow.
went home to change to swimwear
went swimming!
ate again :)
i love macademia nuts. secret food to win my heart :Pp(nah it aint tht easy)
home :)
nice relaxing start to the year.
off to catch tht drama now!
the mirror needs polishing anw.

says it all

ur turn

she looks so cute in that jumper thing. haha

disgusting sister made me open my mouth to show the har kow.

pretty water marbled nails! courtesy of jamie! look for her if you want them too!

har kow!! eat somemore ar, jermaine. :P

sugar anyone?

mummy showing her satisfaction about her newly rebonded hair.