give me a reason...

Friday, November 17, 2006


picture has nth to do w entry! :)

Im tired of assignments and this seems fun

Message:Can you name 11 people you can think of right off the top of your head?Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 11 people...This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first...No Cheating!!

1.Jamie Shen ( i got this from you!)

2. Jamie FOO

3. EUgenie

4. Simmy

5. Stef peng

6. Estella

7. Shuheng

8. Jin hui

9. justin ang

10. Elliot

11. Bamboostick Ded

How did you meet 10?

She my Classmate! and she's this cool Chick. 1st person i talked to on orientation day. and she scared me abit with her lesbian stories of ij. haha. im not used to it see?

What would you do if you had never met 6?

i guess i wouldn't have loads of crazy fun times together camwhoring, swinging,pigging out, doing stupid things, laughing, getting lost, tortmenting others.and lesser heart to heart talks, emails, and postcards. and NO TALL SIS!! ARGH! cnt imagine.

Have you ever seen 4 cry?

guess i've seen her tearing. the only time that i recall. after we got our O's results and jamie me and simmy were sitting outside the general office and jamie started crying and the both of us did too! come to think of it, we must have looked stupid.

i can't rmbr other times, coz we always almost have happy times together :)

What would you do if 6 and 2 dated?

HAHA! no possible. they're both perfectly straight and morally upright people. Lesbianism will be unheard off!

Do you think 1 is pretty?

Duh! all my friends are pretty! :) inside out. but thn again. 1 is really pretty, coZ she has this nice blur toot air around her :) and guys dig that.

Tell me something about number 11

He craps like mad. i can just talk to him for hours, just about nothing in particular and still wanting to talk more nonsense with him. pure blissful entertainment.

How do you know 8?

i don't even rmbr how. we just started talking nonsense i guess. and has been joy everytime.

Would you ever go on a date with number 5?

Shopping date? SURE! :) the girl who gets me through sch everyday and reminds me to do things, i have STM.

What's 7's favorite color?

Eh... Wait wait , i know! blue or black or brown isit?shucks i forgot. GREEN! Grass la!! hair like grass :P

What would you do if 2 confessed he liked you?

no.1, 2 happens to be a girl

no.2, she's my AUNTY!!!

so she loves me! we're over the she likes me period already. she loves me :P

About 9:

Lactose intolerant, person who made camp more bearable. Bionic eyesight person who can see stars that i can't, with a nice voice and good taste in music :) loyal, whoever goes out with him is a lucky girl! (though he doesn't know he glows)

Who is 6 going out with?

ME! we are going SHOPPING and just chilling soon.

Who is number 5 to you ?

Great person who keeps me entertained with her dancing and crazy going ons. Fellow slacker, makes the sch day move faster, sister in Christ !

Would you ever live with 11?

WHAT? he grows in my house la. he's the bacteria on the floor =X nah just joking.

Is 2 single?

YES!! ANY TAKERS? (i'm helping you advertise ok?)

How much does 3 mean to you?

Alot, Loud girl! but nice at heart. once you see through her outer layer, she the nice friendly loud giant :P

THanks for the company and the dozens of nice things you lent me! :)

What do you think about 1?

Superbly good friend who sat nxt to me for 2 years and continuously motivated me. and always reminded me to drink water. Sushi-stuffing friend. Aunty-ing with a calculator, Great sister in Christ!:)

What's the best thing about number 8?

Helps me to improve my commmand of my mandarin. He's like the only one person that i will somehow automatically switch to mandarin with.

What do you dislike about number 10?

Umm? Umm.. NOTHING! she's like Great :)


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