give me a reason...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


i absolutely abhor arguments and like "cold wars".
but i can't help it with you being so unreasonable.
why can't you just be more normal and not so obssessed with controlling my life.
when you said you couldn't do this for me,
i found another way to allow me to attain what i wanted.
but you stopped me,
and only left me the impression that you just wanted to have your way.
i'm willing to work through my own means to get what i want,
and what you do not want to give me.
but you just seem to just want to be in control and having things done your way.
i'm capable of knowing what i'd get myself into and the consequences.
shouldn't you be supportive and advice? not command.
we wake up the next day and act as if nothing happened the night before,
but it's extremely in-your-face that it's just the calm before the storm,
slowly brewing to become yet another full-fledged storm.
somehow, i just can't help it but to really hate you now.
OH, we're not as perfect as we look arent we.
i want to get away more than ever.


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