give me a reason...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Celebrity Morph by MyHeritage

and i don't even like fiona xie.... hahah but it's hilarious all the same

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities

Monday, April 28, 2008


Jolene Chua Kai Xin needs to get off her butt and keep her dying blog ALIVE! And wear porcupine gloves to make porcupine love.

lovingly blogged by the SIMMY

Friday, April 11, 2008


HEHE, i've known you your ENTIRE life :) how many people can say that HUH :)
since i was 1year old
know that i LOVE you girl!!!

*where's the wind?



Wednesday, April 09, 2008


OK! i shall combat my lazy bug and blog. because my blog seems extremely boring now without any pictures, or worse, without ANY pictures of FOOD. food just seems to light everything up. REALLY. ( i think i need the anti-craving gene pill :P)

this week's really GOOD! and filled with so many happy things, looking at the photos just make me smile. there's still so this few persons i wanna meet/supposed to meet with, but still havent got around to it. AH WELL, what's most important is i spend quality time with my friends that really mean the most to me :)
i really want the holidays to go on forever :(


FRINGE Cafe with my tall sis

i got this chocolate bath wash thing for my tall sis and me while waiting for
her. Thank God she came in time, or i might have spent more money in NTUC, that
place is evil i tell you, all the FOOD and SUPERB things!

SHE's so greedy, it makes me happy, coz im quite the same

our LOVELY drink

i like this PHOTO! its so off centre and pretty. maybe it's just the cream
layers that lures me.

can now proudly declare that we can makes exact replicas of these. and
delicious ones at that :)

she claims my house is good for scandalous photos

can everyone SCREAM at lalaintheloo to stop abusing my frog? she's been at it
for like since secondary school, and now my frog cries everytime after she comes
to my house :P


THE PERSONNELS IN THE FOLLOWING PHOTOS HAVE DECLARED THEM PG-13 (due to the lazy bug that causes the incapacity of the blogger to sensor out certain things)and that all comments whatsoever should be kept in your mouth and swallowed into your stomach, good comments or bad.

Presenting the various characters in the cloud/feeble sun-tanning escapade:
LALAintheLOO (just because alliteration is cool)

JO who moves her hands, and JAMIE the dreamer

and lastly SIMMY(dai zi) the scary

The treacherous wet journey, transporting food clothes and all needed equipment
to our secret abode

see the sad skies, happy faces anyway

LALA I.T.L claims she's socially challenged & refuses to face the camera

the island, where the sand makes the coolest ice cream sundaes(not ****s, AHEM). SWIM across!

Aunty SHEN! i never have a decent picture taken with you, REALISED that?

Plastic ALL OVER

my girlfriends are PRETTY i know :)

KICKBOXING girls (SIMMY AR, you better continue)

we do what we always do best


take 2 (edited to remove the dustbin)

there are 2 kinds of girls. those that open their mouth wide (mainly to eat) and
those that refuse by sticking their tongues out. go figure!

SIMMY did a good job at pasting stickers!

and not forgetting our videos! the ones where we freezed for a photo and then started moving! SUPER HARRY POTTER PHOTOS :)


im gone (:

Friday, April 04, 2008


i feel so fat now due to the amount of unwholesome food i consumed today. shall illustrate with a food log.

Breakfast: woke up late (10.30) so i just had a nectarine and drank milk :) I LOVE sleeping more than 8 hours. it makes me feel all satisifed,but my mum will lecture me about wasting half a day.

IN between: i felt hungry so i opened a packet of this orea waffle biscuit thing. it's so addictive, i ate like 10 or maybe more at , like my hand was on autopilot. maybe because i was reading.

Lunch: Cooked wedges,terriyaki chicken, cheese sausages, and salad in preparation of my dear aunty/cousin JAMIE's arrival for the day of slacking around my house.

i ate the addictive oreo thing again.

then, cooked the rest of the chicken cheese sausages because it was just so darn good, and im a sucker for cheese. and the both of us gobbled it down.

the leftover from chinese new year (yes, i know it was long ago) love letters thing caught my eye, so i opened the sinful container and gobbled quite a few down maybe more than 5 but less than 10 ?

the addictive oreo thing AGAIN!! this oreo thing is out to make me all fat i tell you!

Jamie raided my fridge and found the baking dark chocolate chips! so we ate that. BAH.. so much calories, but it was so GOOD. ADORE dark chocolate. it's like bitter sweet which i think is like perfect.

Dinner: fish fillet, rice, veg and soup

and finally supper: swensen's choc fondue and french fries!!

if i ate like that everyday, which i have been doing for the past one week almost every alternate day, i'd be super size me.

GAH.. i need to complain about the fats. don't you dare tell me im not.

im gonna swim ALOT tomorrow. im determined :)

this post is completely pointless because i just needed to rant.