give me a reason...

Monday, March 31, 2008


IM SUPERBLY HAPPY COZ IM ON HOLIDAY!!! like finally, and i get to sleep late..
and i don't start each day knowing exactly what im doing, and my week is not filled to the brim!
i get to eat nice cakes i make (with simmy)
and watch bad shows, that make you go "huh" in the end
and i get to spend time with my family when they're at home at night
coz im finally not out :)

side tracking, im freaking scared about tmr, don't know how jamie convinced me to do it. don't ask about im gonna do unless you already know.

and i think i might start wearing watches again! :) and stop relying on my handphone..

Saturday, March 22, 2008


everything's fine now :) Thanks to all those who showed concern. LOVE my dear friends!
my boring job's gonna come to an end soon i hope.thn i can start hanging out with my beloved friends!
and im too lazy to blog with words so i'll just start posting random pictures!!

From the day at the museum!

made in aussie friendship, still growing even when we've shifted continents, and definately my trusty ol' girlfriend!!!we're nearing a decade of friendship now DARLIN'! what would i do without you... (:

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


i absolutely abhor arguments and like "cold wars".
but i can't help it with you being so unreasonable.
why can't you just be more normal and not so obssessed with controlling my life.
when you said you couldn't do this for me,
i found another way to allow me to attain what i wanted.
but you stopped me,
and only left me the impression that you just wanted to have your way.
i'm willing to work through my own means to get what i want,
and what you do not want to give me.
but you just seem to just want to be in control and having things done your way.
i'm capable of knowing what i'd get myself into and the consequences.
shouldn't you be supportive and advice? not command.
we wake up the next day and act as if nothing happened the night before,
but it's extremely in-your-face that it's just the calm before the storm,
slowly brewing to become yet another full-fledged storm.
somehow, i just can't help it but to really hate you now.
OH, we're not as perfect as we look arent we.
i want to get away more than ever.

Monday, March 17, 2008


im now hooked onto the OC! dug up the old ones elliott gave me eons ago, and it's so NICE!!!

and i LOVE seth's character to bits. he's goofy smart(well kinda) and absolutely entertaining and gorgeous. ok, i've gota stop swooning over him.
Work's so immensely boring i felt like turning into an ant so that i could run out of office. nvm, i shall bear with it for another 2 weeks or so, thn im GONE :) i need an element of surprise in my now immensely boring life.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Results are out, and i don't wanna say more about them.
Let's just put it that so much more work needs to be done, and i've got to concentrate on my core modules more intensely, because after looking at the credit points, it's evident that my core modules pulled me down by SO MUCH. i shall push on :(

2nd point is, i HEREBY PROCLAIM that my holidays are BURNT.
i start my temp work on monday :( it's some admin work stuff, the office is like at jurong.

good point - i earn $$$$
bad point - no slacking for me, no endless meeting up with friends, no stay at home and do nothing days, no waking up late......
ARGH.. don't like.. im gonna find a way to get out of the job, and have atleast oneweek to myself, i'll see
hope the people there are nice.. and the food will be good. food is vital to determining whether or not i will be happy too.
i can meet friends for dinner i guess...
and i gotta book BW. i'll do it tmr or monday!(fyi to the 3 concerned with this matter)

Monday, March 03, 2008


i died laughing, watching this :)

for some harmless fun, watch it too!!!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

2 more weeks!!!
and i just got reminded again, how blissful sleep can be.
and im gonna push myself to go run more often, my stamina's suffering, so is my body :)
keep stuffing myself with food, tht's not good huh.
im going going gone!