give me a reason...

Thursday, January 31, 2008


'cause there are photos, i shall update (:
photos give me the motivation to update my blog when im not lazy because it makes my blog colourful! and colours make me happy. it's like some drug . nothing above is bimbotic. it must be scientifically proven somewhere, somehow.
im not looking forward to the marrying ceremony thing 'cause you gota keep on smiling for photos, and after awhile, your smile becomes all plastic looking. but winnie's pretty anyway! :)

DG girls :)

our quiet peaceful abode amongst the bustle, conveniently next to the dustbin


guess what time we were there.haha

we couldn't take pictures in the museum, so this is our attempt to be an installation.

past meets present

this girl is constantly retarded :) but WE LOVE her

but i might love this more

Sky's pretty!

ellie is just tired, don't mind her.

I LOVE camwhoring with girlfriends :)

i do not LOVE NR. it sucks

im happy 'cause i don't have school tmr :)

i need to go running badly.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


.this entry is a mindless photo entry.
my first "class outing". i realised everytime there's an official class gathering, i have something else on, or something happens to me.

photos from sushi buffet day!
everyone, minus wantian. the photographer.

julian & lihui
jamie(always acting cute, TRY to :P) valen the scarless legs, jenna the twin, julien that brings sexyback!

finally, a photo with the twin.
no, im not gonna post up the act cute photo you made me do with you :P

and this's from the day stef and i were tourists at little india. why go to india when there's one in Singapore :)

Exams are coming *shudders*

Friday, January 25, 2008


(Shook it up)

I never loved nobody fully

Always one foot on the ground

And by protecting my heart truly

I got lost in the sounds

I hear in my mind

All of these voices

I hear in my mind all of these words

I hear in my mind all of this music

And it breaks my heart

And it breaks my heart

And it breaks my heart when it breaks my heart

Suppose I never, ever met you

Suppose we never fell in love

Suppose I never, ever let you kiss me so sweet and so soft

Suppose I never, ever saw you

Suppose you never, ever called

Suppose I kept on singing love songs just to break my own fall

Just to break my fall

Just to break my fall

Just to break my fall

Break my fall

Break my fall

All my friends say that of course it's gonna get better

Gonna get better Better better better better better better better

this week could be considered to be full of emotions. happy sad loved angry lost anxious apprehensiveness excitement... you name it, most likely felt.

But not gonna let it get the better of me :)

most assignments done

im gonna learn to start counting my blessings and stop whining as much.

sometimes i irritate myself.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008



but im still craving phish food and reese chocolate now.
maybe it's time i made my way down to candy empire :)
i think my stomach has a mind of it's own.

m gone

Thursday, January 10, 2008


from the day at dempsey from EONS ago.

'cause the ever lazy me with the allergic to wireless laptop of mine= delayed posts

school daze days

this week at school was not exactly a blast. and i've tons of work to complete now.

not good.

well, but there's definitely an UP this week *ggrins*

THAT what, is for me to know, and YOU to try find out..

my girlfriends should know. =)

so long for now!

Monday, January 07, 2008


and so i refuse to do the year end reflection thing.

what i think about what i did is to be kept offline and so that i can work on it myself :)


this year for the 1st time ever.coz im scared of needles. and i just need to get over it.

and I WANT TO GO ON THE GMAX THING with lala n matt!

and i feel like eating Phish food now for some weird unexplained reason.

i'm random i know.

Swing, swing, swing. From the tangles of......

so there's a thin line between shallow and simple

and being easily drawn into the things of this world

but i will continue to struggle and fight constantly to stay with Him and not let the world draw me towards it.