give me a reason...

Sunday, December 31, 2006

*happy?new year

yeah yeah, 2007 is here. big deal.

it just feels like any other day.

other than the celebrations. but we can do the celebrations and merry making anyday right? just get a bunch of people together, start yakking add in a few drinks and stomach fillers and *TADA*.

let's just hope that the new year brings great new things =)

can't wait to find out what these things will be.

meanwhile i pray that all old bonds will stay, take more time to do my quiet time, and that i will finally learn how to save money.

ushering in the new year , in 'style'


thanks heng heng.i will always disturb you, for the rest of my life. you want to run away, also cannot. HAHA. and thanks for the LOVE-lay card you sent!! :) i know i'll always have someone to count on. regardless of ups or downs.

happy new year stef too!! see you when sch reopens =X i still have your christmas present with me. xD

SIMsamtimtam! when are you back huh?? one day before sch starts?? so did you manage to finish your homework?*chuckles* and tell me all about CANADA!!

Friday, December 29, 2006

*am i ready?

im so glad attachment's finally over.
the irratic hours somehow allow one only to socialise with your own kind. (i sound as if im talking about some specific species).
anyhow, i will try to always make time for family and friends.

somehow, i'm not all that excited about the new year. it seems as if time has dissappeared into nothingness and i feel as if i haven't had enough of 2006. but time isn't gona wait. and it seems to be rushing off to catch the earliest train. i'll just keep running.

when you bothered, i ignored.when i bother, you do what i did.i just feel like giving up.but i just can't bring myself to do it. it has become more than a shallow all i can do is toss it into the back of my brain and tune my sensitivity switch down.
after all, i've become quite an expert at becoming feeling-less.when i want to.

Sunday, December 24, 2006


Merry Christmas to all!

if you haven't yet received a present from, pls pick a red bauble up from those warm cosy gloved hands.

and for all my family and friends, grab a hug from me too! =D

i'm always feel this season of festive cheer.
and as we commemorate the birth of our saviour.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


i realise that it is really true that males are less fuss free as compared to females.
that's because i seem to be very free!!
i have like almost nothing to do. only the occasional changing of IVs and tube feeding.
other than that i don't have to do anything. all of them can walk and bathe themselves and are pretty much independant.

so half the time, you'll find 3 guys and 1 girl wearing white standing at the corridor, "discussing cases".

God, please make it more hectic these few days. that way i won't feel so bored and time will pass faster.

atleast i've got my nice-watch guy to look at. *grins* i'm so bored la! i'm even reduced to people watching. and laughing at funny people.

to illustrate how free i am, let me show you the scenario. the room i'm incharge of has 6 beds. today. 5 got discharged, thus, by doing the maths, there is only one old man left. and that old man leaves the room half the time to go to the canteen. or when he's back at his bed, he sleeps.
so what am i suppose to do? the other half of the room that my buddy is incharge of, are full of able bodied people. who do everything themselves.


i'm one bored girl.

i'm on afternoon shift today! i'll get to see the merlion loving me.

Monday, December 18, 2006


This post, marks the 1st day of my attachment..
1 down, 8 to go.

i think it should go quite well, considering i like the people i'm with =D
the are a lively bunch, and even the staff nurses are not bad. cept for that grouchy old woman at the recept. hope you get fat and wrinkly.

i can see SENTOSA from my room that i'm posted to!!!
Groans. what torture.
i just wanna be in sentosa on the beach baking. but i can only look at it from afar!
nvm. i shall be positive and think. if i'm on PM shift, i'll get to see the merlion shooting lasers with it's eyes at me.
it loves me.

funny thing was at the place where i least expect to see exclassmates, i saw wenhua 4L1's beloved chairperson who's also having some work attachment thing at SGH with AC and Sahira(prob visiting)! haha. not together, but separately during my lunch break.

Well, gota slp now. coz i have to wake up at 5.15am! i'm like a morning person *rolls eyes*

Christmas's coming!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

*a sandy christmas pls

i tried updating ystrday, but what happened? when i finished writing up and uploading all the pictures, the lovely internet explorer had some error thing. and everything. was gone. i got so pissed, i decided to just switch the comp off. GRRR. comps do not like jolene so jolene does not adore them too.

was so glad to see heng heng and simmy after so long! they are the friends i can always count on. and i don't have to worry too much about drifting though the distance has grown over the years. because i know, that whenever i need them, they will always be there!

pictures! how could we forget right?
i love retarded clicks even more
Heng heng and his sexy drink. clearly sexy does not go with heng.

say YUM =)

now you see it

now you don't!

don't know why i always liked coffee making machines. they look so nice and sophisticated. i saw some at Tangs today and was shocked to know there are such machines that cost 3000bucks and over. what for! they are just coffee beans right? it's the coffee bean that matters right?
I don't even drink coffee.

we loved the background

aren't they adorable? it's one of those, they are so ugly till they're cute thing.

the bearing resemblance :) mei, where's my bearing resemblance photo.

these pictures were spose to up with my failed entry ystrdae. shall just post them again since i already converted them to smaller files so that lousy blogger accepts them.
from my recent trip to phuket. i omitted beach photos! haha

the things she says and does, just makes your day.
The things kids say :)

Strutting it out! to look for the best deals.

failure to get on the water buffalo. OH! i just bought a new wallet and it's made out of the skin of this animal. Oops. i killed a leg.

the big white dog, and my little cousins.

in the bumpy boat ride out to snorkel. so we all look awful, thanks to the wind messing things up.

My sis's new BOYFRIEND ( actually the elephant's a girl :P)
and the grey sky cleared itself up =D

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


These days i'm just too lazy to put words down.
so let the simple click of the camera show you.
After all, pictures speak a thousand words.

our original selves. in the NICE dressing

you're cordially invited to our Pyjamas party.

whoever wears prom dresses
like that!! *gasps*

collasped by the end of the day.

so that's 3000 words plus plus. *smug*


my mind is turmoil. don't know whether i should go this way or that. i don't want to be caught regretting and wronging in the end.

Monday, December 04, 2006


good blog thing. decided to be good and give me your upload pictures buttons.

*pats head*(if a blog has any)

cant wait cant wait im off to the LAND of SMILES! serious shopping!

:) :)

anw, pictures!too lazy to do the picture by picture caption thing,

Here goes!

ignore my random outburst of irrelevant comments pls. it's better for your health.

I Love bamboosticks! kill me if you wanna! =Pp i don't care

and lastly

BYE! ur out!



Friday, December 01, 2006


Remind me why i love holidays again?
~i'm not missing you. i'm not , i'm not. i shan't succumb. i will not.~