give me a reason...

Sunday, December 21, 2008


after jamie's dance performance. btw, JIEMI loved your dance
performance (although i didnt really say i enjoyed the hiphop ones at the
first part, but thn you werent in it) and i don't regret sacrificing my other
appointment for you! :):)

Somehow the only inspiration i get to blog is only during very obscure times of the day, like in the morning at 6am as i walk to the carpark to go to work. or when im in the toilet... i get this sudden strong urge to write my thoughts at that moment down. i tell myself to keep that thought in mind, but when i come to the create post page, all that urge just disappears! which explain my recent and regular MIA from my blog. this same situation goes for replying smses, or the other option will be that i just simply forget! i just cant help it.
i've got the whole FEELING channeling in for me this year, i don't know why.
and the best thing this week is that i only have to work for 4days! (mon tue, sat sun) which is AWESOME. :) :)

Monday, December 08, 2008


can i have an UKELELE for christmas please?
just one worldly gift.
and the other wishes im still working at them, but i think no amount of cash needs to be spent!


Tuesday, December 02, 2008


the point of this entry is just to show that im still ALIVE! and that it is still in my capacity to attempt to be ugly (ofcourse always accompanied by my one and only tall sis) :) action hero comic strip-im too lazy to do. can the tall sis pls do it ? :) 3more weeks, 4more days, to a happier me!!!
i want an angmoh bf! (ok random spurts of nonsense) actually i think the only reason for that spurt of nonsense is so i can marry that guy, and shift to some place with the fourseasons, and wear boots and trench coats, and have excuses to buy clothes for the fourseasons. alright enough of nonsense.
proper update soonest! i kinda promise :)
