give me a reason...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

*one more time over please

FYI: i finally got the comment column to work!!! after forever!! it's this little link at the bottom :) :)

*edit: im too lazy to post photos on blogger one by one coz it takes too much effort and blogger can be such an *** sometimes, so here goes! :)

1st of all, HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY to my beloved younger monster of a sister!
(stop blocking me on msn and being childish already..)

20 points that made me happy over the past week

1. leaves that turn yellow/red

2. how the water in the streams and lakes are so clear you can see the rocks and pebbles made smooth by the long flowing water on the beds
3. quiet thinking time alone
4. long walks
5. BOOTS!! (singapore should be cooler, im becoming a boots convert!!)
6. H&M!
7. goodlooking people everywhere you turn, it's like taking a walk in an alternative world
8. cruising at 280km/h in a porsche down the autobahn, with the roar of the engine in your ears
9. pretty euro cars everywhere
10. intricate, to die for, timeless architecture and structures
11. long train rides watching the mountains and lakes and people and houses and and and...
12. how you can stand on a snow covered mountain and not feel cold with only one layer of clothes on because the sun has come out
13. talking to random people from other countries ( there was this algerian cook that has made a mongolian tent his home for the past 4months!)
14. me and my aunt laughing at my mum step on cow shit all the time
15. the best tiramisu i've ever eaten
16. the best gelato and pizza in milan
17. cheese everything
18. humungous supermarkets
19. how there's bubbly every night and it's always different and pleasant to drink (campari and rose from italy , countless reds and whites, german beers...)
20. the availability of schweppes bitter lemon

update with more pictures soon! :)

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Blogger Jo*Lene said...


October 16, 2008 at 5:05 AM  
Blogger estella said...

oh yay! it works! i can yak here now. hee hee hee. I LOOKED AT ALL 200 ODD PHOTOS OF YOURS IN THE OFFICE :D HAHAHAAH so nice! i wanna go tooooo. let's go traveling ho hum.

October 16, 2008 at 5:19 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

HAHA FINALLY! eh but your comments are visible on the same page :| Travelling!! Don't forget MEMEMEME. I will be a nerd & come home straight from school everyday so i can save up and KACHING on a vacay. Wuvv youuu.

October 16, 2008 at 5:54 PM  
Blogger Jo*Lene said...

i don't know how to make them NOT visible :( help pls??? YEAH now i've got 2 traveling babes! we need to start looking around although it's like next year! so we all can be house hermits and SAVE! (oh man it's gonna be so hard, imagine no more japanese buffets, and all kinds of buffets)

October 17, 2008 at 2:03 AM  
Blogger estella said...

haha, could be your blog's template? i'll try to figure it out then tell you! :) i'm not used to reading the comments cause it looks as though simmy's comment is mine! :/ so confusing. mehhhh.

ANYWAY YAY TO TRAVELLING TOGETHER. i'm saving up from now! mei, i'll do spotchecks to see if you're really at home. ahhahaha. when will you be having hols? :)

jo, NO MORE BUFFETS?! :( can we have homecooked food buffet! we really should list down a few probable places and our budget! it's next year but have to research already! hahah.

October 17, 2008 at 10:19 PM  
Blogger Jo*Lene said...

HOKAY LET's START LOOKING!! :) :) OH MAN i cant wait laaaa.. can we fast fwd to next year already? :( why do holidays always fly by so fast!

October 18, 2008 at 7:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa, i wish i could have a holiday escapade, sleep awhile longer, get slightly fatter, stop sweating as much, make my camera shutter work more by capturing those scenes, and et certa. oh well, seems like it's going to be a long while before i can have a proper holiday againnnnnnnn. anyhow, i enjoyed looking through the album.

October 19, 2008 at 4:58 AM  
Blogger Jo*Lene said...

i want my holidays all over again, on replay. i got your msg! i forgot if i replied. OOPS

October 20, 2008 at 3:35 AM  

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