give me a reason...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

*among the rush!

The following blog entry is only written to randomly update on the random going-ons amidst the crazy school work that makes everyone sad.
but there are always those little somethings in your day that just lights it up and makes it better.

shall stop rambling.


we celebrated everyone's birthday at the same time. the banana choc cake was good as usual. had lamb stew!! that's like the only thing i ever have at secret recipe, but then it's like the best. :)

i like the chandelier thing on the top and the red ceilings too!

They day was spent walking around shopping centres. my feet hurt so bad after, like how i felt when i was in attachment when i just joined nursing. somehow, there isnt much to buy in JB except for the food which was glorious due to the half price price (SGD conversion).

but the funniest happening of the day was when me and ellie were in the cab, we had to take the cab with only the 2 of us as the rest were piled into the other cabs coz apparently, malaysia traffic police is relatively stricter these days and won't allow for 5 passengers in the taxi. so we were on this high way thing and the cab was going at a speed that's faster than the normal speeds in singapore. The cab was little hence, it was kinda bouncing over the joints on the highway i spose. suddenly, i heard elliott going "hail mary... ... ..." her CHIJ prayer thing apparently. it was superbly hilarious! in words, it might not seem so. but if you knew her, and saw her face there and then, it would be stuck in your head of life! :)

SUSHI with the 2nd story

(without stef - she had one of her viral infections again)

Essential brew with the tall sisters!

happy fries make you happy

this is my pretty tall sis

we ate so much

we felt like gluttons

we like :)

now for random pictures!

this was during one of my presentations where we had to do role plays.

JOJO! the ever sporting group member :) she made everyone laugh till we teared and cheeks hurt. i think she shouldnt be a nurse and go into TV instead. seriously, even her everyday normal actions are funny- in a good way of course.

STEF my "malay" friend :P ( just jk dear! you know i LOVE YOU!)

some people love leaving their marks( in this case faces) on my phone. but tht means i get the rights to post them! :) hahahah

Singapore FLYER

to try and catch the sunset

which unfortunately set behind the tall tall buildings of Singapore

but company was good :)

I'm gone.

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