give me a reason...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


life's basically boring and repeatative. im getting a hang of it! cept for the hardworking part. i can't believe what a bum i am, and i have absolutely zero determination.

Anw, today was dress ALL black day! :) coz it was ellie's birthday! (eh, i just realised we forgot to take photo..) when the pizza came, we all just ate. what pigs we are..

School wouldn't be the same without you guys :)

and during some dumb firedrill, we decided to pretend to be like ahlians and sit at the roadside ( or rather carpark) with skinny jeans and 'fake' cigars, wait, they don't smoke cigars.. Genie kept asking me to look out for botox boy, but i couldn't be bothered. i just wanted to sit down, again proving the point that im super lazy.

and doing project! this was a hilarious sight i tell you. we were sitting under the shelter, but the wind was just too strong and blew all the rain in. resulting in the umbrella carrying weirdo way of doing projects. coz we didnt want to move, again proving how lazy we can be. BUMS

and this was the seafood pasta i cooked some nights back. i was too lazy to add other stuff, so it only had fish, prawn, cuttlefish and ALOT of three cheese pasta sauce, AS usual, anything with cheese so darn good. i think it looks like the pasta jap place at marina with all the plastic looking food :S


Saturday, October 20, 2007


i shall not complain about school anymore. im gonna get used to it, and get into the rhythm of working hard, lest i regret at the end of this semester. DON'T BE LAZY JOLENE! *smacks self* OH, and i want to complain about teaching piano too. (*&%^%$*^ parents of *%(&^ student. whatever, im so glad i got rid of him! one student less, lesser money, but oh well, it's all for the better. and my commission's gonna decrease too! sighting the reason to some gst hike *sulks* aiya it's better then nothing. i seem to complain a lot more these days. maybe im becoming more and more singaporean everyday. don't know whether that's good or bad.

HAPPY 14th! cousin JERMAINE

and i hope your 2 irritating sisters(or rather 1 sister that cries more the 7 times a day) don't make you age 3times your age. Honestly, i don't know how you put up with them. For that i admire you :) and don't become ahlian!

so we went to celebrate, by bowling - i realise i suck at throwing balls down a lane now, after years of not doing it, i only scored 83..WTH RIGHT! - then after, we had dinner at this italian place. it's ok, minotti's with my "cute" italien waiter's still much better :)

2nd part of my entry.
a few days back, i went with my dear tall sis to a very nice place. it's like fairy land. HA.. no, i wish, but that place certainly didnt feel like singapore. i liked it very much :) im so gg to go there one night just to chill. it's like the perfect place to spend time there with your special other half.

jolene is lazy, so she coped photos from her tall sis's blog
the photos that are pretty, are all lovingly photoshopped by my tall sis! <3>

Till next time!

i hope my this 2 dear friends will both be happy,

and that everything was the way they were last time.

if only,

and i hope, i won't create any trouble :(

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

*Complain Queen

i could go on complaining, and whining about how i'd rather not have school,
but i'll spare all the eyes reading this.
OK, i have my nice 2nd story weird mad friends, but, still, school's boring la. and the lecturers are dumb, why do they love posting notes in adobe format so much, it's wasting like all my toner ink! what's so bad about powerpoint huh?
anw,i've successfully printed out all my printable notes for the whole semester! and man, is it a killer. nowonder the photocopying shop aunty is always menopausal, and when i ask why the notes are always so expensive, she'll lecture and lecture me.

oops, i still had to whine abit. ( and i miss whining to hengheng the pig father :( haven't done it in a long long while )
stef was saying how i think school is exhaustive because i haven't seen botox boy. i thought about it, and MAYBE that's why. PLEASE God, let me just bump into BB like once a week, and i might be happy and less complainy. :P (ok, stef, don't say he's ugly anymore k? i tell you, YOU have bad taste:P)
anw, just some photos from felicia's bday sentosa trip! felicia didnt want to take many photos though.

thebeach's always nice, rain or shine

daddy!as always drinking his tea

copying felicia's act cute face

that beach tram pillar spoils the exterior doesnt it!

it was dark, and we forgot the camera.(which has flash)

jamie & i shared apple lollipop, and sex on the beach, prefered the latter much more, NICE!

and white choc martini is like sinfully delicious.

this looks better by night,didnt notice it before.

the fish spa. take 2

the chair lift thing, & i was super unglam, coz i was taking photos for the people behind, and didnt have enough time to turn for the cam tower.

and OFCOURSE shopping @ vivo, how can there not be shopping :P

i need sleep. bye

Sunday, October 14, 2007


DARN! School's started!
D: D: D: D: D: D:
Maybe i should aspire to be a sushi chef and quit school.
anybody wants to see whether they've got talent?
check here.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


have you ever had that feeling
that feeling
it's all fine when you haven't seen him in awhile
but when he comes around
when you see him again
you get this fuzzy feel in you all over
and it's back to square one.

am just gonna ramble random-ly about my going-ons. they are in no order whatsoever.

ANYWAY! i finally got that catching up/ shopping trip w my beloved aunty jamie, i think she's the only person left other than my sister that i really grew up with since young :) so we did the usual, eat, shop,and camwhore with dresses that were longer than me. how can people be so tall, really. (sorry eugenie, no i'm not talking about you, im talking about those taller than you, the tall untill no use kind of people :p) and i ate fried mars bars for the 1st time! haha, i always say it's the 1st time because i always forget how it tastes like. so for the record, it just taste, sweet, oily, and sticky, and very CARBS-y.

and my lovely pretty australia buddy! come to think of it, she helped to mould me abit to who i am today too, without her, i'd probably still be extremely introverted. not that im extremely extroverted now, im still shy (haha), and i like to maintain a low profile :) which reminds me, i've finally found out why stef and genie thinks botox boy is ugly. sarah would probably find him cute. haha. we decided that both of us will get married to guys next time who majority of the female population will find ugly, but our guys will be like gems in our eyes. then if people go, aiyo, why that girl marry such an ugly guy,we can back up for each other, by going , no what, he's gorgeous :P omg, i had so much nonsensical fun with her. the talks, the HELLO guy whom she thought was my friend and i thought was hers, spending money again, the treasure hunt for her phone, which we realised was lost only like probably 5 hours after she lost it. thank GOD for honest THE FACE SHOP people :) but why they never pick up the phone, that may have made it easier to find the phone, since we went back there to look LAST.

im so glad our paths crossed. i could never find another girlfriend like her.

and last thing im gonna blog about. met jusjusjus! and ate fish n co!! happiness, ok spend money again. but when school starts im gonna save like im saving for a lambo ok? ( i always say the same thing) he says the stupidest things ever, and makes me laugh my head off. we have the weirdest random-est convos. and after we'll wonder why did we even talk about that. an example could be like how we were talking about havaianas, the printed ones, then it moved to how it was comparable to wearing nice underwear and feeling happy about it, then to girls we arent very ladylike. one . anw, the movie, was not bad, not something i would watch on my own accord, but the movie's worth watching. yeah definately. zombies are dumb.

after, cabbed home since it was late. went over to park mall, and saw ZERO taxis. took the risk by sharing cab with this anonymous guy. my mum'll kill me if she knew i shared cab. anw, the guy was nice and since he was riding to SIM. it was on the way. did you know there's a pub in ngee ann, next to the alumni clubhouse? omg i didnt know. till that day. he made small talk, i think i gave the don't talk to me vibe like i always do. it just comes naturally. he asked where studied i said ngeeann. whatcourse, i lied, just said business. then lied a few more times. i felt so bad for lying so much, but it's just protective instinct . so he just gave me 10 bucks for the ride to pay the uncle later. i absentlymindedly took it. but after counting i realised he gave me alot la. coz when i reached home, it was only 13bucks. so that means i only paid 3 bucks actually. again, realised today that there are quite alot of kind and decent people in singapore, and i shouldnt be so wary of people.

enough! off i go :)

Sunday, October 07, 2007


was just wondering
why is it so easy to drift
humans are like a piece of rice paper.
alittle external factors and we
break alittle
change alittle
sometimes A LOT
in a way that wasnt us anymore
and he doesnt like us this way.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


so today, i went home early just to cook dinner for my family again.
everything did NOT go well. 1st i had to cut the veggies. but as i was cutting them, somehow the knife manages to happily wiggle it's way out of my fingers for some magical reason and almost stabbed my stomach. caught it just intime as the tip was just touching my abdomen.

i thought ok.should be more careful.

and then, just as i was taking down a plate from the top rack, it slipped, and broke. my palm has a baby caterpillar, my thigh has a gash about 3cm long, perhaps when it becomes a scar-coz the gash split open from a neat line to a thicker line-it'll stop being a caterpillar and turn into a butterfly! :) the pain was abit satisfying after the initial pain subsided. i don't know why, and no, im no emo-chick who loves getting hurt.

on a happier note,

THANKS to my tall sis for having me over today, the gyming and posing around the fountain and steaming! i like :) not to forget, wasting all our efforts when we gobbled down almost a whole regular pizza each save for a slice each. was happy , ok euphoric? happier than happy.
i love spending quality time with you! demsey and body clinic-ing next week yah? have fun photocopying things tmr.