*toothpaste adverts

we grit our teeth
because my camera has a smile function that apparently is either retarded or quite hard to fool.
(and to the 3rd person that has obliged, arent you glad i didnt post the picture up? :P, dont worry im a person of my word)so kindly oblige and entertain me upon request alright ? :)
2MORE DAYS!!!!!!!
PS. pls pray for me, that i'll be able to get a hostelroom. they said priority for foreign students, but i was thinking, doesnt curtin consist mainly or rather majority of the students are foreign students? AHHH... pray pray pray.
hahah wth! we are so lame! your camera is not very smart babe. it shld be called bimbo cam :p
estella: you are zeee evilesstt. how can you talk about my cam like that? it shall make you look hideous next time! hahah. cant wait to chase balls with you on saturday!!! WORK IT!
Jon looks weird okay
jamie: okay.
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