give me a reason...

Thursday, October 30, 2008


IM GETTING USED TO WORK! IM FINDING NEW THINGS TO LOOK FORWARD TO EVERYDAY :) :) i hope i get a superbly good grade for attachment. so im gonna really push myself.

on a side note, attachment kinda helps me save money, because my beloved mummy cooks my meals for me to bring to work = save money! BUT, during my off days i go shopping, and all the saving just drains. because im so deprived i act like a jail bird that just got released. but it's one of the few and only sources that gets my spirits up again and i really need(want) it. God's helping me though, he refuses to let my internet browser log onto!! WHYYYY, with it's sales and pretty dresses im bound to really find something i like. my mental shopping list is growing longer everyday. and the people at fareast (in fact everywhere) are selling boots to tempt me even more. oh, and i keep looking at kate spade i just can't enough of their bags! ARRRRRRR.. worldy retail temptations.

and my aunty's coming back to singapore soon!!! and she's coming to stay with me! YIPPEE.

simmy, let's meet up soonest, i feel like it has been forever :(
lala, quick come and sew your dress, the cloths turning yellow waiting for you
secondstory girls + chestnutchow(you're my gf too laaa) PRESS ON for PRCP! :) atleast i know we're all in this tgt.

nuf' ranting for this episode of offdays!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


October 31, 2008 at 5:50 AM  
Blogger estella said...

hello dear! glad that at least we managed to see each other for awhile ytd! did you go trick-or-treating with shuheng? :D hahaha i bet he scared the little kiddos away! and jiayou for attachment! :)))

November 1, 2008 at 12:27 AM  
Blogger Jo*Lene said...

HAHAHAH BECAUSE jamie. it's UNDERSTOOD, doesnt have to be said :)

lala! im excited about tmr! seeing you and we're buying our aunty tickets :)

November 12, 2008 at 5:09 AM  

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