give me a reason...

Friday, February 22, 2008

OVER! :)

colour me wonderful, 'cause the world's just

because im superbly happy that exams are over, and holidays are closer

because im extremely irritated that they changed my attachment mates and i won't be with chester and genie anymore

because im extremely broke and thus, on a shopping strike

because i've decided that perhaps i shall become a hermit

because when attachment starts not will i only have to travel 1hour+ everyday just to get to SGH and back, and my eyebags will show more than ever (not that they are not already there)

because i need to start keeping to my QT again (exams and movies screwed it up)


15022008 Walentines' (the day after vday)
from pinching each other to growing up together over the years :)
bamboo unagi rice! it's really not bad and makes you feel as if you're eating healthy but delicious food!

greedy pigs that just couldnt wait

who cares about the 2 classic jap beauties on the wall when there's us!

belly LOVE


i'll blog again tmr. i think.....

Monday, February 18, 2008

one more paper to go :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Update with photos!
my mystery dates for v day!

my flower date

she acted so weird, we were so scared, we stuffed her head into the balloon so tht she won't bite us.. also we powdered her mouth

i wanted to kill someone

Well, Happy Valentine's day i guess..
still don't adore this day. although i love the flowers. BUT, right after you receive them, you'll think of ways to keep them alive, or to multiply them, just because flowers are so pretty you don't want them to die, so perhaps seeds or potted plants would be a better idea? i don't know. and it's so commercialised. so im glad i spent it with my girlfriends and family :)

anyway, im so gonna die, i have absolutely no idea what to study. actually i do, it's just that the spotted "questions" can never be trusted. so i gota study the whole lot, but i think my brains just refuse to sponge it all up. the osmosis from under the pillow method does NOT work :(

perhaps i should get a new brain! the person should have attained a phD level then, transplant his/her brain to me. i've been watching too much grey's. *slaps self*

sometimes when it's right infront of you,

you look right through, and i don't know what to do.
