give me a reason...

Monday, March 05, 2007


sometimes in life, you have to sit down, stop in your tracks for awhile, and THINK.

i had that moment today. Actually i've been having that "moment" for quite a few days now.

been thinking and re thinking. do i really want to do what im studying to do now for the rest of my life? or do i want something else. and i suddenly realise that i have many things that i actually want to do. travel the world, meet all kinds of people, see what the poorest of the poorest are really like, and be amazed @ how they survive, and be grateful, Spread the word, Sky dive, Dive somemore, and the list goes on.

but then again, i feel as if the path im taking now is the right way to go, and something that i will not regret ( but then again im a forward looking person and i rarely regret). so i look upon the little joys everyday to make me go on, and these reassures myself of the route i've chosen and the route He showed me.

Today, a patient found an eggshell in his food. he seemed really angry, and demanded to speak to the sister, all of us were really anxious, because in any service line, as long as the client is not happy, your image will be tarnished alittle. However, when the order was taken again for the next day's meals, he wanted to remark in the remarks column, " DO NOT PUT POISON IN MY FOOD." although he didnt do it in the end, when i heard it, i was deeply amused, and couldn't stop laughing. little things like that make my day, and though it might not seem funny to most others. Really, finding the little happiness everyday really makes life all the more better :)


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