give me a reason...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

of fresh starts


Sunday, August 02, 2009

*of loves

you people make mundane perth weekends so awesome,
I'm exhausted on a sunday night,
and I've got class tomorrow @ 8am!! GAH

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

*of new places

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

*of random facts or "facts"

eeeeeeks! I might sticky tape my mouth nose and ears while i sleep now. Makes me wonder if the 8 spiders statistic actually includes those mountain people who actually have spiders as part of their daily cuisine/delicacies. 

and i've yet to vacuum pack my mountain of clothes that's been successfully dumped in the luggage. I guess that being able to finalize what to bring over is already an achievement in it's own right.

So gonna miss so many of my loves! and i ALREADY do miss some a whole lot although i'm not even gone yet.

P.S. firefox sarrkss it doesnt allow me to upload pictures. seems like i have to keep my safari and not delete :S

Thursday, July 02, 2009

*just add water

Not using the organ that's stored in your skull's extremely dangerous.
It goes into auto-pilot degenerative mode.
Then after awhile, all you feel you have is just a soaked sponge that just sits in there.
Which equates to transforming into a blob of jelly, moving just becomes excruciating.

On another note, the countdown has begun and i really should start doing the things i've been procrastinating! and i have no idea how to publish photos onto blogspot with this mac!grrr. they just dont appear. i guess now all i have is facebook because iphoto makes it all so easy! :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

*of freaks

very disturbed by this freak. why does it look like a cross between a hamster, rat, and chick to me? i think the tail freaks me out the most coupled with it's chick-like legs. OK. it's the whole package. Ewww.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


"What was once orgiastic devilry is now just another way of walking..."
